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- Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:57 am
- Forum: Archive
- Topic: ENT shutting down
- Replies: 168
- Views: 301427
Re: ENT shutting down
@yarrangon2 Go fuck your self. You are the only one who was reported ent to blizzard. It is sad when ent shutting down because of some silly kids like you always fucking complaint and bitch about ent. You don't even pay nothing to play the game on ent community and all those mods spent their time t...
- Fri Sep 20, 2019 12:05 am
- Forum: Archive
- Topic: ENT shutting down
- Replies: 168
- Views: 301427
Re: ENT shutting down
I've been gone since 2018. I hadn't played on either since 2 months until I went to check on it this week and it's a fucking graveyard. Everyone can see it. Every proponent of the terrible patch that "came back" to wc3 because of bots removal was gone after a weekend. So much for you...
- Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:56 pm
- Forum: Archive
- Topic: ENT shutting down
- Replies: 168
- Views: 301427
Re: ENT shutting down
Welp, it was a fun ride boys. Also, I'm glad to see you've changed your security question from "blue" to "Read the banner." I may have trolled the living crap out of people here, but there were more than a few of you I actually respected. "LoL i WaS tRoLLiNg" Nobody ca...
- Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:29 pm
- Forum: Archive
- Topic: ENT shutting down
- Replies: 168
- Views: 301427
Re: ENT shutting down
I knew this was inevitable and I've already stopped playing on here for a while, but seeing this still saddens me.
Thanks for all you've done, and for trying to provide a much needed alternative to the horrible patch 1.31.
Thanks for all you've done, and for trying to provide a much needed alternative to the horrible patch 1.31.
- Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:28 pm
- Forum: Suggestion Archive
- Topic: DotA Map Change - v6.85ne Series
- Replies: 30
- Views: 16501
Re: DotA Map Change - v6.85ne Series
voted yes to cancel out larry's vote
- Thu Jul 25, 2019 1:58 pm
- Forum: Processed Cases
- Topic: Merex #2
- Replies: 17
- Views: 24368
Re: Merex #2
"isn't necessary" maybe, but if you can guarantee the win with a bit more farming, then why risk it? I don't know how many times I've played on a team with an early lead and we push early to get wrecked by one expertly executed AOE spell and after that we lose momentum, maybe even the gam...
- Wed Jul 24, 2019 6:04 am
- Forum: General Discussions
- Topic: How is this guy in the top 10 ranking?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3102
Re: How is this guy in the top 10 ranking?
If you check his games, you can see he plays exclusively omni with support items (arcanes, mekansm, scepter, refresher every game as far as I can tell). If anything, this proves how effective selfless players can be in winning games. The main difference between the teams he plays on and those he pla...
- Fri Jul 19, 2019 12:32 am
- Forum: Processed Cases
- Topic: Merex #2
- Replies: 17
- Views: 24368
Re: Merex #2
you spend 40 minutes farming and then come out thinking you're Thanos so you can project that you're "saving" your team from losing when in reality, all they needed and wanted from you was to help them so they can end the game and move on with their lives. Yeah, it's basically a huge mess...
- Wed Jul 17, 2019 12:23 am
- Forum: Processed Requests
- Topic: [DOTA] pinheadlarry
- Replies: 13
- Views: 5305
Re: [DOTA] pinheadlarry
You didn't answer. You didn't say you need a farm advantage (which is true), you said you need a full inventory or nothing. This is what you've said countless times at every opportunity since forever, and your games and ban requests reflect that. I didn't watch this game, but like in many of these b...
- Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:25 pm
- Forum: Processed Requests
- Topic: [DOTA] pinheadlarry
- Replies: 13
- Views: 5305
Re: [DOTA] pinheadlarry
Can you explain why you absolutely need 6 items for your build to work? You keep saying it doesn't work until you get all 6. What doesn't work? What specifically happens when you get the sixth that wasn't already possible when you had "only" 5 with a farm advantage against your opponents w...
- Mon Jun 24, 2019 12:46 am
- Forum: Processed Applications
- Topic: HowlingAbyss@entconnect
- Replies: 35
- Views: 15306
Re: HowlingAbyss@entconnect
It's exactly as I said, you wanted to go all ackchually on him so badly that you either stopped reading after the first words or deliberately ignored the rest so that you could "correct" him. You seem to want validation more than extra help with ban requests.
I made a picture version:
I made a picture version:
- Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:21 pm
- Forum: Processed Applications
- Topic: HowlingAbyss@entconnect
- Replies: 35
- Views: 15306
Re: HowlingAbyss@entconnect in a typical Merex manner, Merex did pointlessly rephrase what he said and you're both intentionally singling out the first part of his tiny 1 line and a half of text post in order to justify his correction and seem "right". cherry picking+strawman. Of course my repl...
- Sat Jun 15, 2019 11:06 pm
- Forum: Replays
- Topic: 1 kill per minute ez glap?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3782
Re: 1 kill per minute ez glap?
- Sat Jun 15, 2019 4:40 am
- Forum: Replays
- Topic: Another Silly Pub Game
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7232
Re: Another Silly Pub Game
I don't even really shit talk him (or anyone really), I only give feedback to claims he and others make, for instance the "skadi core item for drow" statement that was 100% intended to be serious and should be responded to as such. I can't really laugh with him if it's not even a joke, so ...
- Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:51 am
- Forum: Replays
- Topic: Another Silly Pub Game
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7232
Re: Another Silly Pub Game
I don't. I still have a second unpatched wc3 folder because I was supposed to, but just apem games aren't enough for me to bother logging on anymore. Why does it matter? I can still relate to skadi drows and miscellaneous displays of retardation.