Moderator: Oversight Staff
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In case you are not satisfied with a moderator's decision on your ban request, please re-post it asking for second moderator to review it, prior to posting a complaint. If you are banned, please wait till your appeal has been processed.
Complaints may no longer be used as a replacement of the PM or for personal issues.
Take the complaints serious or you will receive a warning/temporary forum ban for abusing the opportunity.
You are ruining everyone's reputation by taking complaints too lightly.
Read the rules before complaining about staff members.
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In case you are not satisfied with a moderator's decision on your ban request, please re-post it asking for second moderator to review it, prior to posting a complaint. If you are banned, please wait till your appeal has been processed.
Complaints may no longer be used as a replacement of the PM or for personal issues.
Take the complaints serious or you will receive a warning/temporary forum ban for abusing the opportunity.
You are ruining everyone's reputation by taking complaints too lightly.
Read the rules before complaining about staff members.
For technical issues or problems concerning the bots, post here!
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Re: Merex #2
by FalenGa View the latest post
Thu Jul 25, 2019 3:37 pm
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