I've recently discovered the existence of Triggs Bot, a Discord bot for announcing when games of Warcraft III are hosted on Battle.Net. However, as everyone here would know, Battle.Net is not the only place that Warcraft III games are hosted.
So, I had the idea to create a Discord bot to announce when EntConnect games are hosted. As far as I am aware, there is no existing bot to do this - if there is, please point me to that bot and disregard this thread.

So to finally get to the point of this post; assuming I was to create this bot, would it be possible to host it on an EntConnect server, and would EntConnect be interested in owning this bot? (IE, the code lives on GitHub, and the repository lives under the EntConnect organisation, or something) I haven't looked too deeply into the Discord bot creation process yet, but my initial reading suggests that it requires a server to post data to, and additionally, a database would be needed to record which channels want what notifications.
Thanks for your time.