Inspired by Triggs Bot, I've made a Discord bot for announcing when games are hosted on EntConnect/WC3Connect.

I hope it's easy/clear to use, but if not, please let me know, and I'll update the help commands and whatnot to provide more information to make it easier to use.
There is one caveat to be aware of; this bot also notifies of games being hosted on Battle.Net. Since Triggs Bot seems to have died (and has never been that reliable in my experience), I adapted my bot to also work with Battle.Net. However, right now, the game announcements don't distinguish between WC3Connect games and Battle.Net games, since this is a last-minute change. I will be adding to the bot to make it obvious which games are WC3Connect and which games are Battle.Net (and maybe even a filter, if you only want to know about WC3Connect games), but for now, the way to tell is by the username of the person hosting the game; if it ends with a # and some numbers, it's a Battle.Net user.
If you're interested in how it works behind the scenes, you can find the source code here: ... cation-bot It's also modular, so it can be easily extended to work with other systems, not just Discord. I have vague plans to add an XMPP integration as well, so if you have any other systems that you'd like to be notified of Battle.Net/WC3Connect games, either raise an issue in the repo and I might get to it, or have a go at adding an extension yourself.

Anyway I hope this bot is helpful! Enjoy!