About client

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About client

Postby bigtits » Thu Feb 21, 2019 12:31 am

Hi, during my ban i tryed some other league and i saw many other league having something cool in client like you can put your own hotkeys before to start a games (and they also have many other bad things compared to ent).
Things are easy, in the client you can see the numpad 1 to 9 and you just have to right what letter you wanna used for items, and they have same thing for spells.

I realized many players with "bad level" don't used any hotkey and they do everything with mouse, that could solve some problems in game.

My 2nd question is : we actually have 2 games mode "AR" and "AP", it is possible to make a game who's autobalanced when you join it?

my 3rd question : if your answer is positiv to the second question you ofc have to stop allowing multi accounts from players, actually this is to easy to rape someone in a game ===> you join a game with a new account and follow a player with high elo
===> you do it until you win a game and you will obviously win and if you lose, you don't care because you just make another account.

Can you please improve a little bit the game play and make it a bit harder to do an account? because we actually need 3 seconds and this is not normal...

At last you should ask players to register on forum and allow only one account (i know it's a pub league but still, the skill in games is going worse and worse).
Then, if someone want to do another account he has to explain why he want to do it and case by case you allow or not this second account and ban the other.

I am doing this post just to improve a little bit the game play, and to give a sens about the elo swap... you can join a game with 1000 elo (new account) and you are a normal 1800 elo player... this is totally sensless and even if games are balanced and their are new accounts, the game will never be balanced because nobody using his real account and keep making 250 acc...

this is not a criticize about the league !!! this is just some suggestion ===> i don't know who is the programer in ent league so
@uakf.b @jabba41 @quetra @hazardous (i hope you will understand my bad english)


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Re: About client

Postby xSAINTx1 » Thu Feb 21, 2019 3:07 am

Why would you want to come back to this bot, if you are able to play on RGC or Iccup? Things most likely won't change, just like your behavior in game. People who don't use hotkey script will likely never download it, and could care less about improving. They play a few games a night to have fun. It's unfortunate, but its the reality of the situation.

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Re: About client

Postby bigtits » Thu Feb 21, 2019 5:55 pm

The fact is skill is much better in this leagues ur talking about but i don't like map on rgc, and iccup games start in 3 second u don't even have time to join the lobby lol.
About my behavior, we have a different way to be "idiots" in games, i will flame hard i agree but you will never see me joining game of someone to take all his farm with a support or warding creep camp like someone did ;) but well thats not the subject, i just want a head admin answer.
most of players don't know where to found a hotkey script that job of the league to put a link of this things, but we still have many bad players who play all day long like master pain and still having an ultra bad skill level or many other players like that, who can improve their game play with some helps

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Re: About client

Postby xSAINTx1 » Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:50 pm

I take your farm because it makes you mad. Squeal for me piggy :)

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Re: About client

Postby bigtits » Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:45 am

Sadely when i make a post with sens, the only one answering is you... head admins really don't care about improving the game play and the league...

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