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How is this guy in the top 10 ranking?

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:33 pm
by Draco

Averages 2-4 per game, with sub par assists. How the hell is this guy 1500 elo? In order to be top 10 you should have to have like 10 kills/ 10 assists per game avg, with at least 2:1 kd. I just saw his stats are 2-4-6 which is like 800 ELO level LOL WTF :lol:

Re: How is this guy in the top 10 ranking?

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:12 pm
by CrimsonDervish
It sounds like salty guy ranting over.

Re: How is this guy in the top 10 ranking?

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 6:04 am
by Sylvanas
If you check his games, you can see he plays exclusively omni with support items (arcanes, mekansm, scepter, refresher every game as far as I can tell). If anything, this proves how effective selfless players can be in winning games. The main difference between the teams he plays on and those he plays against is that there's always a dedicated support player in his, and it translates to horrendous kdr and over 80% win rate for him. Double global guardian angel might not give him any kills, but it gives him wins.

Re: How is this guy in the top 10 ranking?

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 4:01 pm
by Draco
Good point, omni seems like one of the best heros if you can play it well. im gonna try it out i wanna learn now lol