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Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:51 pm
by WolfPackMama
Was curious what do you guys think that would make the "best" endgame team.
Not talking about having the struggle of farming up, it's straight lategame content.

Thinking of lategame, I think I'd personally go for a bunch of versatile heroes, as in, heroes that can perform well in multiple roles while not falling off.

So my team comp'd be: Spectre, Windrunner, Skeleton King, Guardian Wisp, and I'm not sure about last hero, but Magnataur comes to mind.

What's yours?

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:38 pm
by Dhamma
geo arc silenser omni sk


Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:02 pm
by EdgeOfChaos
Team strength depends on who your enemies have as well, so I don't think there's such a thing as the best endgame comp.

And geo isn't a good endgamer at all. 6 slotted Geo will always be beat by a 6 slotted Riki/SK/Mort/etc.

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:12 pm
by Dhamma
not always and not by all of the carries listed or all carries in general.

But that's besides the point. This is why we also have omni and silenser on here, who would have scepter refresh. As well as sk who can initiate. Geo blinks in and takes them out, with arc shield he can just dps them, even if they have mkbs+bkbs.
Silenser takes care of any aoe/stuns.

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 7:28 pm
by Sylvanas
Pudge, silencer, lc (they all have hundreds of kills/duels, it was a very long game). Other 2 don't matter, I guess I'm going to go with a special mention for phoenix or wyvern who can heal pudge's hp by percentage and od, considering every hero on the other team has 0 int.

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:02 pm
by nitromon
There are ... 100 heroes now? I think there are countless combinations, but as most people have said here, really depends on your opponents and how the game is played, in terms of items, there are just too many factors.

For example, if one of your opponent is ES, your team would probably suggest a pipe, which takes out one of the item slots. But, what if your opponent goes battle ES? Late game with 2700 crit, strong as a tank? Your pipe will do very little against him alone, let alone his teammates. So many of your players will now require BKB, taking out 3-5 slots for the team that may be required for other late game core items.

That's the wonderful thing about DOTA, it is such a dynamic game, constantly changing depending on the match up and pushes people to think outside the box.

(But just top of my head... some of the best combinations I've seen. Void + Phoenix. Void + Warlock. Phoenix + Warlock. Void + Pho + Warlock, then pick any other 2. Game is yours.)

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:11 pm
by Sylvanas
nitromon wrote:(But just top of my head... some of the best combinations I've seen. Void + Phoenix. Void + Warlock. Phoenix + Warlock. Void + Pho + Warlock, then pick any other 2. Game is yours.)


Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:13 pm
by not2000elo
combination of spec/void/sa with silencer centaur sk sven

purely lategame speaking

edit: troll is pretty hardcore maxed out too

edit 2: naix beast mode as well

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:55 pm
by BiLyA
Hi @not2000elo , we recently lost a good friend named divinerape from forum. Do u wanna take his position and be our best friend from now on?

Btw i would pick something like magnus/enigma/skeleton king/medusa/phoenix. Morphling/spectre/troll are the other hard carries that come to mind for late game ownage. Sniper and invoker can be gay af too. Also silencer, thrall and tidehunter maybe cuz their ults can change the tide of a game.

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 10:40 pm
by fgfe
Strongest lategame teams should have a mix of aoe control, teamfight and hard carries, like spec (medusa) enigma void invoker thrall

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:20 pm
by Zeratul
Invoker, spec, silencer, omni and dusa is a good solid team imo.

Spec/dusa as carries, invoker/silencer/omni as support/sync between the team (both invoker and silencer can always semi-carry if necessary).

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 1:24 am
by nitromon
Speaking of dusa, is there a way to counter her ult? I know slark's pact can counter it, but itemwise... bkb and manta couldn't.

Also, how come her ult works on AM and TB? Aren't those heroes blind? haha

Sylvanas wrote:Phoenix+thrall+roshan

Nice! I personally love phoenix.

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 2:40 am
by Sylvanas
nitromon wrote:Nice! I personally love phoenix.

I do too ever since I realized sun ray was an awful skill and trying to make it work was preventing me from doing good.

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:39 am
by Brando
Best ENDGAME team?

1. King.Kar
2. Frank
3. Divinerape
4. Shadow(x)
5. SlipperySlark

Re: Your best Endgame team comp

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:26 am
by EdgeOfChaos
nitromon wrote:Also, how come her ult works on AM and TB? Aren't those heroes blind? haha

What does this mean for the lore?!