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One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:18 am
by Desire
Hi, before making the full suggestion topic I would like the opinions and votes of the LoD community about a new mode being implemented to LoD.

First of all to define what I'm talking about,
-OS(One Skill Mode: Skills may be chosen once on your team;No duplicates)

The main reason why I would like to see this being implemented to LoD is to balance the game to a degree and also increase much more variety of spells that can be chosen. What brought the idea was having a few players from RGC telling me how more balanced it is there and prefer to play there because of the many other modes like OS mode. I also see a lot of complaints while in game when 2 or more people have the same abilities that are hard to counter alone.

Balances - OS would change double top builds that could make the game a lot more difficult to win.(Examples. Double Reincarnation, BT, MultiCast, Shadow Dance, Wolf Form, Nova, Relocate, ECT)
-Removes draft luck. 3 multicast team vs 0 multicast team.

Diversity - Since this will also affect normal spells(non-ultimates) It will create more spells that are almost never picked to be picked.(Examples. Shallow Grave, Fate's Edict, War Cry, Mana Shield, Last Promise, Bash, Nether Wards, ECT)
-Higher chances of teams having a support, pushing build, or disablers.

Obviously this is only an idea, If you have any other pros or possibly cons please state them below. Also to inform your friends who play LoD to vote as well. Thanks.

Edits: highlighting and fixing word errors.

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:35 am
by Sylvanas
Sounds like a better way (or at least more fun way) to even out the more lopsided drafts than md. I suppose skill selection is first come first served though, meaning people will rush their big ults in the first few seconds and cling to them even if they have an ally with a better combination?

Example: 2 people have mc, one has mc+wrath and the other has something stupid like mc+jakiro ult. Second one picks mc immediately before anyone else can and won't give it up. I can see that happening. Wouldn't that be annoying?

Not many people here play lod, I don't play it anymore myself, although by mentioning lod you will probably summon chew and burnt.

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:45 am
by Abolara
i understand what your saying @Sylvanas. how ever ENT is a small community im sure that issue wont be as big here. i play at RGC and im talking about 1000 players on at ones. im talking about 1-4 min max waiting time in a lobby for a game. and this OS is happening there and majority of them would drop a skill if they see someone else will benefit from it more then themselves. so itll be only a matter of time untill all start to understand the OS mode and i think itll be played by the rules.. well youll get the odd one out who will argue..

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 12:12 pm
by Burnt
Sylvanas wrote:I suppose skill selection is first come first served though
Example: 2 people have mc, one has mc+wrath and the other has something stupid like mc+jakiro ult. Second one picks mc immediately before anyone else can and won't give it up. I can see that happening. Wouldn't that be annoying?

Yep it is first come first serve and chances of your Example 2 happening are high. But it is still worth trying. Just make sure the current map version supports this mode tho, as RGC has a much newer map with cool functions such as swapping taverns during skill picking (no need to call out skills to each other).

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 12:55 pm
by Desire
Sylvanas wrote:Sounds like a better way (or at least more fun way) to even out the more lopsided drafts than md. I suppose skill selection is first come first served though, meaning people will rush their big ults in the first few seconds and cling to them even if they have an ally with a better combination?

Yeah I could see more negatives towards MD. Selection first come first serve can be discussed upon teammates. There's many new players who ask what builds to go or players that like to -swap if they don't feel like playing hard carries, nukers, ect. If there's that one player that disagrees and is confident in playing his own build there's many other combinations that can be picked. Which is why I mentioned that are variety of builds that are almost never played.

Sylvanas wrote:Example: 2 people have mc, one has mc+wrath and the other has something stupid like mc+jakiro ult. Second one picks mc immediately before anyone else can and won't give it up. I can see that happening. Wouldn't that be annoying?

Sure. Having a game winning build taken from you can be annoying. There's also a few that like to play fair games and almost always fast finish when they see a mc wrath or relo ball. But I think with the OS mode being released you can have a more easier and better chances of countering those builds alone. Say their team has mc+wrath and your team doesn't. Counters like buying a hood or going null field/spell shield will be more affective because of no other similar Mc global nukes.

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:00 pm
by Desire
Burnt wrote: Yep it is first come first serve and chances of your Example 2 happening are high. But it is still worth trying. Just make sure the current map version supports this mode tho, as RGC has a much newer map with cool functions such as swapping taverns during skill picking (no need to call out skills to each other).

Yep. I had a few scrimmages with a few RGC and current LoD wc3 players and it seems to work. However there are many modes that RGC holds that this current map can't. The swapping taverns I don't think is compatible with v6.85i.

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:59 pm
by hagi
Sylvanas wrote:Sounds like a better way (or at least more fun way) to even out the more lopsided drafts than md. I suppose skill selection is first come first served though, meaning people will rush their big ults in the first few seconds and cling to them even if they have an ally with a better combination?

Example: 2 people have mc, one has mc+wrath and the other has something stupid like mc+jakiro ult. Second one picks mc immediately before anyone else can and won't give it up. I can see that happening. Wouldn't that be annoying?

Not many people here play lod, I don't play it anymore myself, although by mentioning lod you will probably summon chew and burnt.

I can actually see this happening quite a lot or people who troll will just pick the best ults and sit on them. And then the whole communicating with teammates, I have very little faith in communicating with teammates (some don't work or refuse to talk).

However, I would not mind giving this mode a try to see how things go and maybe further rules can be clarified if these poor situations exist.

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:10 pm
by W1nn4r
SAPPORT!!! REEL MAN nned 1 pvp skill onley to keel all!!11!1!!

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:59 pm
by CheW
One skill and bigger draft :D like d4

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:23 pm
by Desire
CheW wrote:One skill and bigger draft :D like d4

I wouldn't mind d3(3 taverns). d4 seems a bit too extreme. However I'll share some positives of the idea.

- People could steal important factors of your build and d3 can deny that by having more varieties of spells to choose from.
- Increases luck chance of people getting better builds and stick to a simple combinations.
- Can balance it even more by sometimes having to be forced to play a role like support, disabler, or carry(something someone doesn't prefer to play)

@Sylvanas @Abolara @Burnt @hagi @W1nn4r @CheW
Thanks for your votes and comments.

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:39 pm
by W1nn4r

Yeas!!! W1nn4r Winn4r Ch1ck1n D1nn3r )))

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:05 pm
by Burnt
which noob voted against? need to ban

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 11:46 pm
by Sylvanas
Burnt wrote:Yep it is first come first serve and chances of your Example 2 happening are high. But it is still worth trying. Just make sure the current map version supports this mode tho, as RGC has a much newer map with cool functions such as swapping taverns during skill picking (no need to call out skills to each other).

It's not my example 2, it's example: 2 players [...]

It was the first and only example there will be.

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 12:10 am
by Burnt
Well too bad misread that. My eyes needed time to adapt as I was summoned from the dark, by Example: 2

Re: One Skill Mode(LOD)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:21 am
by Sylvanas
I know.