Arc Warden the hacker

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Arc Warden the hacker

Postby thorny » Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:18 pm

Warden in probably the second most imba hero in the game. One of the reasons, as many know, is because his clone can use his items as well.

He also comes with a dupe hack (d2 term). But for some reason, I haven't seen that many people exploit this feature of his.

When he uses his ulti, he also looses some hp and mana (lvl 1 and 2). Luckily this is when his dupe hack comes in handy. If you have a healing salve and a clarity in your inventory, you can use the ones in the clone's item slot on your main hero (or ally for that matter). And you can do that over and over again, healing your hp and mana for free. Making that 165 gold investment last until lvl 16 when you sell it, and get half the gold back. Hopefully its easy to understand how imba that is.

Another two cheap items that are very useful are magic stick, and a TP (once you get midas). When you ulti, and once you use the pots from your clone on the main hero, you can use the clone's magic stick. Even if your main hero mana was nearly empty when you ulti, you will be able to set a few traps or slow, maybe getting a kill. That magic stick will pay for itself, even just like those consumable pots. Keeping a TP when you get midas is nice too, in case you are at base when your ulti comes up. You will be able to tp your clone to use the midas.

Probably the most broken item for arc is midas. WIth your ulti you can get more than 2x more use out of it. This is extremely imbalanced and must be exploited. ****top core item for hero****

A very good arc player I've seen (way batter than me) would get a wrath band and 2 twigs, because arc is so paper and for last hits. My starting items are a magic stick, healing salve, 3 clarity, and a chicken. I try to save a clarity and healing pot til lvl 6, but if I need to i use them before and get more with the chicken. Some people like to stack a bunch of traps on a tower for a FB. But i find that its an old trick too many people know and don't fall for. Even if they do, you only get part xp because its usually far, and the enemy comes back too soon not loosing xp, or gold (because they spent it). But too many times I was left without any mana for nothing. I prefer trying to get a kill once the creeps spawn. Placing a mine behind the ranged enemy creep and harassing works. Also stacking a few traps on the enemy tower after the wave and harassing works as well. At the very least it will make the enemy walk around loosing xp.

My items:
1 healing salve
3 clarty
magic stick
tp scroll
book 3

Book 3 is great for him as well. You can get BOT before if you want, but with a TP scroll that you can reuse , you will get more gold faster if you go book first. After Manta I like to get cuirass or desolator (i prefer cuirass). After I like a heart.

With these items you will be a powerful pushing machine even if your micro isn't good. Certainly one of the best pushers in the game.

If your micro is good, you can get rapier after midas. I tend to suicide for rax too much, so I find it too risky.

With some practice and the right items, it should be easy to win a lot of games with this guy.

Good luck, win some games.

PS: did i mention to win games?

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