A guide to winning (MISC)

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A guide to winning (MISC)

Postby SLAYAX » Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:36 am

Introduction: Dota is a team game with a multitude of strategies. There are many strategies teams can implement to win games. I will be discussing public games and the mind set of public game players, please note that not all people behave this way and there are many exceptions to people who do not have the public game mentality. This guide is to inform people how to pub stomp without an arranged team or friend.

Mentality of the public in dota: Here is the general belief of the ENT community in dota. Pick a carry attempt to carry team, trash talk when successful and rage when failing. I generally suggest you ignore most of your team when playing public matches, if you believe and know that they are doing something that is stupid do not follow suit. You should generally ignore ragers and not leave games because of something stupid. When in doubt farm as fast as you can and if you are a carry KS as much as you can.

Hero pick: In general I suggest a carry. Always pick a hero you are comfortable with and Remember COUNTERPICK. Counterpicking is a big part of the game, this only applies to SD and AP since those are the only times where you have a choice. The game mode is also a big factor when picking heros. If you play em play a hero that requires a significant amount of farm with strong passives that snowballs well. Heres a small list of heroes that are great in em and non em: Legion commander, Morphling, INVOKER, Potm, furion, pudge ( with a high degree of landing hooks and good timing), lycan, Earthshaker, Enigma, bounty hunter, warlock, nerubian assassin, windrunner. I didn't mention too many intelligence heroes mainly because most people do not understand what true support can do and what it is either.

Heroes that I usually do not suggest: This part is sort of bias, but it also has some decent reasoning behind it for each of these heroes. Yunero, I generally do not like this hero, he needs a decent amount of farm and is easily countered, he does have one of the strongest critical strike passives in the game, however he lacks the ability to chase heroes down and does not have strong stats overall either, which is also another problem with his mana. Huskar, some people may be able to play the strongest huskar ever, but in my experience he is very vulnerable to CC and can snowball in both directions being good or bad, due to his lack of escape mechanism. Spectre a great hero, with a myriad of offense and defense, but honestly it many people do not know how to play spectre properly. Crystal maiden, a very squishy hero has great potential in TEAM PLAY, but would not be too great for those without friends or arranged teams. This is not a hero but, playing a hero repetitively the ENT community isn't huge, you can quickly learn people's playstyles and counter it.

Things that cannot be helped: Players there will be good players, bad players, and those in between. Dota has all of these types. If a player is doing bad, I suggest you A) tell them to farm B) teach them how to play their hero and tell them what to get C) Ask them for control and micro their hero for them D) Votekick them. These options are arranged in most likely to least. Maphack, honestly I don't know what to say about this, I know many of you high ELO players have it and even others, and I have some replays that can clearly prove it, but you can make a ban request. Trash talking, ignore it I barely ever talk during a game other than call mia and ping for ganks and runes, and also do not trash talk it pisses people off and makes them play better or can make them rage.

Losing and winning: I am going to be honest, id rather lose. You might find this strange, but i'd rather lose to those who are better than me, than win against a bunch of bad players and raise my elo. Team stacking is a major part of this, but seriously I get all these whispers from random people to play with them. Whats the point of team stacking if at the end of the day you can only win with someone who walks you through the entire game. Although previously I told you to play heroes you are comfortable with I suggest learning how to play supports, carries, and semi-carries. Remember never feel bad about losing, everyone loses at some point, you can create another account if you want.

Mechanics: I really suggest you learn the mechanics of the game and know them well. If you have a strong understanding of mechanics and also able to execute using good micro, you will probably be good at any hero. Mechanics help a lot in every dota game, and most people neglect basic things, like how sometimes a windwalk can block a nuke or a ranged attack.

Real help: Kindly ask someone with higher elo to play with or against you 1v1. Skilled players do not brag about their skill, they play the game to get better than they are before and the only why they can do that is playing against other players with as much skill. A good example of such a person would be Giu)jack, many thanks for your post. Watch replays, these replays do not have to be tourney plays or high level gaming, because most of those people have an arranged team and have on the dot communication with their team.

Strange tip: Best age to actually learn how to play dota well is 15-20. Also forgot to mention this, READ THE CHANGELOG for buffs, nerfs, and changes.

Conclusion: This guide does not give a visual of anything or help most people in any sort of way. I am very aware of that, it is only there to lead readers in the right direction. If you want to get better play the game. No matter how bad you do you will get better in good time. Everyone was a noob at some point, although many people beg to differ this is true. Thank you for reading this strange guide I spent half an hour on, please send some feedback or troll me if you like

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