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DIHL dota

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:33 am
by danhatz
Hello, I was wondering what are the qualifications for DIHL vouching. I read the basic information and such. I played a lot of cash games and was 165 TSR and about 2200 ELO i believe. I quit Dota 1 due to work and school but just reinstalled WC3. I don't know anyone from DIHL that could vouch for me. I could install mumble( I suppose it is like ventrillo.) My main role is carry and offlaning, feel free to ask me any questions or if I could have a try out game that would be great! Thanks so much.

Re: DIHL dota

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:51 am
by nabo.

Skill level varies. In general, you should know how inhouse strats are different from pub games (more team oriented).

Just install gproxy + mumble (mumble is like vent, yes) and talk to someone on mumble. You can whisper Hugmeonce on useast also.

When dihl games are played really depends on everyone's personal activity. If you are online and there are others available for a game, you will be play your trial game.

What is your ingame name? realm?

Re: DIHL dota

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:24 am
by danhatz
I believe I will be very active for the next few months, but my old WC3 game got deleted I suppose due to inactivity. I created one today which is D3Hatz. I am on US.East and am in central timezone. I'm up to par on IH games such as tri lanes and pulling/stacking camps. It would be great to start a trial sometime soon maybe tomorrow or Wednesday. Thanks for the reply.

Re: DIHL dota

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:37 am
by HugMeOnce
@danhatz We're in the mumble right now if you want to come through, Also, you can message Evil.Lemon and HugMeOnce.

Re: DIHL dota

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:07 pm
by nabo.

Reapply with your real ip.