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not the best way to prove a point

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:44 am
by MudMan

I will not be mentioning any of fanatismo's skill-based failures because thats irrelevant
i do not have a problem with people being super bad in this game because at the end of day "skill" is a relative term

the purpose of this post: BA asked if he should leak or recover, i asked him to leak because i believed we had the edge to win on 15 as i was op on 15 and they did not have any mid, as opposed to 17. but frodo and fanatismo disagreed and wanted 17 race.
BA ended up pushing anyway which is understandable and it was too late to recover.

so in order to prove me wrong Fanatismo pushed from 7/5 to 7/7 during 11 (Despite having low lumber and low income and PDs)
he was asked to cancel the push as it is really basic knowledge that 7/5 to 7/7 on 11 is not gonna profit in terms of lumber. so thats 340 gold wasted already
Later on 15 send, he does not send behe, and holds on to 350 gold (which is basically 1 less PD in his lane) and we still end up BARELY losing the race. BARELY!

so since mods require a "demand" from the reporter, i demand this guy gets unvouched because he purposely tked by wasting gold AND not even building on 15 just because the team did not end up following his plan. and 1 extra PD on his lane would have definitely made us win the game.

Re: not the best way to prove a point

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:35 am
by Meshtar
Honestly, without watching the replay I don't get who you are reporting, Ba or Fanatismo?
Also Fana and Frodo calling significantly reduces your chances of success :D
Anyway, I hoped we can tone down the reports cause of the fact that we just tked a moderator. Not to pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do, but I feel we should give some break to our remaining mods unless its something major ;)

Re: not the best way to prove a point

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:53 am
by BoretkPanda
And anyway in my Opinion ur behaviour in this Game was more tk than any build. U seem to be more busy blame Fana than playin the Game. Ofc saving 300 gold isnt helpful - but u think ur behaviour was? No wonder he wasnt 100% focussed. Even me gets tilted just by even reading this Chatlog

Re: not the best way to prove a point

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 9:44 am
by MudMan
@meshtar i edited to make it clear

@boretkpanda it is completely normal to blame someone who is purposely trying to lose the game just to spite you. This petty behavior should not be tolerated. so i dont understand why u think me tilting over it is shocking. Also, i did say i am not bothered by him being a noob or building TK like 4/1 leaking full 7 wave. i really dont care how bad a player is. I have already mentioned in the beginning of my report that this is not a skill level report, this is an intentional Teamkill report so please stick to the point.