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Merc Availablity Level

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:23 am
by Greymare

I was thinking about the loophole that was exploited during the most recent "Tournement" using that word loosly.
Maybe you could look at making Merc not available till after wave 5 or even wave 10 so it is then used as it was meant to be used and not exploited for an advantage by players with poor sportsmanship and low skill.

Just my thoughts

Chieftan Clan HELL

Whats everyone elses thought on this?
@Archew @chu @betonakis-NEW @Scmeezus @dew @allllllllllabal @ihate_b.n.e.t. @pot_plant

Re: Merc Availablity Level

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:11 am
I fixed the bug, so its not an issue.