[LTD] Mistaken @ USWEST

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Armored Tree
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[LTD] Mistaken @ USWEST

Postby RiziY » Mon Jul 23, 2018 4:53 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 102716.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #22
Your Warcraft III Username: Riziy
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Mistaken, St.Paul
Violated Rule(s): Failure to Cooperate via fail to push, Do not deceive players about rules in an attempt to get them banned/to force them to do something they are not obligated to.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Level 10 (Around 20:00-21:00) is a good indicator of his breaking the rules (Note that they are both 1400 ELO. They should know better)
Any further thoughts:

I ask the team to push in a kind and friendly way after we were sent warriors on level 1:
(01:42 / Allied) Riziy: push time lol
Note that they do not push. Mistaken stayed 2/0 all the way up to level 10.

I inform St.Paul that my role is better than his for holder but he insists on overbuilding and trying to be a holder which inevitably fails
(01:03 / Allied) Riziy: i would go dif role but
(01:06 / Allied) Riziy: wc + turret is better
(01:11 / Allied) Riziy: than wc + lock

St.paul and Mistaken disagree with my decision to send 2. The send was good except that Mistaken had only sent a hermit and green did not send. They leaked 18 to middle.

(04:00 / Allied) st.paul: now tell me pibk why did we send 2
(04:01 / Allied) Riziy: green doesnt send
(04:55 / Allied) Mistaken: we just shouldnt have sent 2 lol

I ask green to make the smart decision and not mix prisoner. He does not listen
(06:39 / Allied) Riziy: green
(06:41 / Allied) Riziy: dont mix prisoner
(06:43 / Allied) st.paul: !lms riz
(06:44 / Allied) Riziy: stay aqua plz :D
St.Paul Tells green to build more aquas when green is already 625 value for level 6 which holds and is only 5/1 I tell him to push
(10:06 / Allied) SanguinemLuna: more aquas?
(10:10 / Allied) Riziy: push
(10:12 / Allied) st.paul: y
(10:15 / Allied) Riziy: u should be 7/2 rn :)

Both St.Paul and Mistaken overbuild for level 7 and do not hold.

(12:49 / Allied) Riziy: gj guys
(12:51 / Allied) Riziy: way to overbuild
(12:53 / Allied) Riziy: and not hold
(12:54 / Allied) Riziy: well done!
Mistaken tries to tell me that rule #2 is do not solo up king. This is a lie but the rule "Failure to cooperate..." covers this. By this point, Mistaken, St.paul and green had played so poorly that I was not going to let the game be comprised because of Mistaken's terrible decision. I held 3, 5, 7, 8 and 10 and had the highest push on my team, higher than aquas. Mistaken attempted but held none of these rounds. Mistaken had wanted to send 15 and remain 20 income. This was a terrible idea because the other team was only down 1 heal and had done merge builds. They would hold 15 easily with their values and income. We also had no king. It was an obvious decision to skip 15 as they also weren't going to send us 15 because we were Sea giants since level 1. Mistaken refers to this as solo upping but I believe I have a right to object to his and st.pauls decision when they clearly are VERY bad and will make us lose. If they had played well, I would have listened.
(17:12 / Allied) Mistaken: dont solo up king
(17:15 / Allied) Mistaken: is also bannable
(17:15 / Allied) hashcakes: yolo
(17:22 / Allied) Riziy: you dont call the shots here
(17:25 / Allied) Riziy: shut your mouth
(18:46 / Allied) Mistaken: k so you know rule #2 then?
(18:59 / Allied) Riziy: I know all of the rules.
(19:03 / Allied) Riziy: Game specific,yes
(19:08 / Allied) Mistaken: kk so rule #2, do not solo up king
(20:51 / Allied) Mistaken: ye so solo up again and i report

Other team sees Mistaken's push at level 10
(21:23 / All) hashcakes: 3 0?\
(21:25 / All) hashcakes: 2 0
(21:32 / All) hashcakes: !lms mis
(21:34 / All) hashcakes: wtf
(21:49 / All) hashcakes: never seen that
(22:03 / All) TKTrenloe: Report it and he'll be banned

Other team agrees that Mistaken is breaking the rules

(22:03 / All) Riziy: Would you agree hes breaking the game rules if I had asked him to push?
(22:05 / All) Riziy: ^
(22:07 / All) Riziy: Thanks.
(22:12 / All) Riziy: He thinks he knows the rules.
(22:12 / All) TKTrenloe: He is breaking the rules
(22:13 / All) hashcakes: yea
Mistaken and St.paul make the decision to send 17 despite the other team being greymanes, halfbreeds and mutants since level 1.
(33:12 / Allied) Mistaken: +
(33:13 / Allied) SanguinemLuna: y
(33:14 / Allied) st.paul: i thinl we should go 17
(33:15 / Allied) Mistaken: green let pink know
(33:30 / All) Riziy: LOL
(36:12 / All) hashcakes: ty yellow
(36:14 / All) hashcakes: for free win
(36:16 / All) hashcakes: !scores

Aura Tree
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Re: [LTD] Mistaken @ USWEST

Postby Mistaken » Mon Jul 23, 2018 5:30 am

Solo uppping is against rules, as noted in this ban: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=131213&p=509289&hilit=solo+king#p509289 - so when i warned you once to not up and you did it again that was against rules. Besides that I only said you could get banned for flaming, which is also against rules even tho it usually results in a warning is still bannable.

I had a bad game, sure, but I didn't TK and you were out-voted on every call you made. You went against team decision every single time. Just because you make a bunch of calls doesn't mean we have to play that way. Green never said what he wanted to do or when he wanted to send, but OJ and I both clearly stated every time. So it was 2-1 and you went against team decision.

Armored Tree
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Re: [LTD] Mistaken @ USWEST

Postby RiziY » Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:04 am

You failed to cooperate. Green was new to the game and asking for advice. You and St.Paul joined together and continuously showed poor judgment which made your decisions worth less. My calls were winning us the game, my build was winning us the game.

Let me ask you this: How can you place yours and St.pauls judgement ahead of mine?. You need to understand that the rules are in place to prevent a single player from ruining the game repeatedly. The spirit of the rule is for the team to come to the BEST decision.

Aura Tree
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Re: [LTD] Mistaken @ USWEST

Postby Mistaken » Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:09 am

Oj and I cooperated as a team. Green never voiced an opinion one way or another. You were the one who didn't cooperate. You did what you wanted to do while we tried to make team decisions.

Armored Tree
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Re: [LTD] Mistaken @ USWEST

Postby RiziY » Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:44 am

The best decision is the one that leads to victory, not the one which leads to a clear failsend and a loss. Almost everything you did was a poor decision aside from maybe building a Sea Giant on level 1. Aside from that, you made us lose entirely. Orange played very poorly as well. You ruin the community by always stacking teams to get your ELO when really you have no idea how to play.

As I stated in your ban request for me:

The rule is as follows:
Refusing to cooperate by sending alone and not save-send with teammates to win.

I refused to send 15 because it was not a decision which would lead to a win. This was not a question, this was VERY obvious to me and any other legion player with a moderate understanding of the game. I have over 4k games. 15 was a very bad decision and so was 17.

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Re: [LTD] Mistaken @ USWEST

Postby AmnoN » Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:37 am

Denied. Only the OP was insisting that yellow push and unless it is an obvious team kill attempt, no ban will be issued. Solo upping is bannable and if the team agrees with a call, it does not matter how you feel about it - you need to go along with them.

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