[DOTA] Leke - game ruining on purpose, refusing to help team

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[DOTA] Leke - game ruining on purpose, refusing to help team

Postby Goshko » Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:41 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/11720784/
Game Name: Dota apem us/ca #10
Your Warcraft III Username: SugarDaddy
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Leke
Violated Rule(s): Game ruining on purpose - refusing to help team
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 50:24, 53:32, 56:43, 57:46, 58:28, 59:11, 61:23, 65:11
Any further thoughts: It was the usual hard game vs techie, hard to push etc, however we had 1 and a half lane down and were trying to push it.Then suddenly spectre stopped helping (tbh he didn't help a lot untill now as well, he was always the very last to join the fights, bad timing ulties etc, which ended him beeing leve l21 after more than 50 minutes - kinda bad for a carry ).So the guy just stopped using ulty and stopped joining teamfights.I sugest u check the whole chat from the 50th minute mark:

http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 720784.w3g

He rejected several times to use ulty - check the times I noticed above.

The most important moment:

(57:42 / Allied) SugarDaddy: ULTY NOW
(57:46 / Allied) SugarDaddy: SPECTRE
(57:47 / Allied) Aik: coming
(57:57 / Allied) SugarDaddy: ULTY SPEC5TRE
(57:59 / Allied) SugarDaddy: ULTY SPECTRE
(58:01 / Allied) SugarDaddy: ULTY SPECTRE

here we had a huge fight where all were there but spectre - i wrote several times to him to use ulty, he didn't!This was a very decisive moment, I'm sure with spectre's ulty we woudlve won that fight and the game - he never ultied and he made that on purpose - fight went with a lot of bb etc., so it woudlve setteled it for sure.

Check the chat right after that :

(58:54 / Allied) Shinnihs: spect why u didnt help me?
(58:57 / Allied) Shinnihs: just have to ulti
(58:59 / Allied) Shinnihs: and own them
(59:09 / Allied) Shinnihs: so u let me dead?
(59:11 / Allied) leke: i wont do a shit from now on

Right at the end, when I told him that I will get him permabanned, he said who cares:

64:37 / Allied) SugarDaddy: this will get u permabanned spectre
(64:44 / Allied) leke: ahahahah
(64:51 / Allied) leke: imagine what this means to me
(65:00 / Allied) SugarDaddy: !sd leke
(65:05 / Allied) SugarDaddy: 300 games in the can
(65:11 / Allied) leke: and?
(65:15 / Allied) leke: who cares bro
(65:17 / Allied) leke: its just a game

Since he said it all by him self that he doesn't care if he is to get permabanned, it would be realy great if u can do the whole community a favour and do permaban him.This guy realy threw this game away and also completly destroyed the fun of the other 4 guys in the team, guys like him just don't deserve playing here.

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Re: [DOTA] Leke - game ruining on purpose, refusing to help team

Postby raedric » Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:20 am

Never EVER tell a player -you- will get him permabanned. Not only is it unrealistic for such a minor infraction, never once do you word it as "I will post you for" it's all
(58:31 / Allied) SugarDaddy: u r getting permabanned
This could be construed as admin impersonation. Especially considering you keep trying to hammer this in, that all of his stats are useless because he is gonna be permabanned. Reading through chat I can see where you got triggered, and you became extremely toxic from that point forward. I was in your game after you posted this, and your whole team also ignored you in that game.

(65:58 / All) SugarDaddy: a retarded ruined it
This kind of language should never be permissible, no matter how triggered you are.

after review I do believe spec was exhibiting game throwing behavior in response to OP constantly calling him a noob...although that doesn't excuse it and he should definitely be banned for a couple of days. I sympathize with him though with this guy on his team.

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Re: [DOTA] Leke - game ruining on purpose, refusing to help team

Postby Goshko » Mon Apr 29, 2019 2:39 pm

So u call a game ruining a minor infraction?I wonder what you would call a major infraction...It's hard to imagine ANYTHING else could be worse than game throwing, especially a game that already lasted 50 minutes and a game you almost won.How do you think we all four (his allies) felt, after more than 1 hour hard game, which we had at hand and lost, just because some guy's ego?!

Just to make one thing clear - all I wanted was to win this game, so I was looking for a way for him to join the game, which he didn't.He was just pissed off because he noticed he failed and he knew that, yet didn't admit it.The permaban part came right at the end, when it didn't matter anymore if he is to help team or not, hence it was already lost.You should check his stats - 8/7/18 - keep in mind most of his stats came from his ulty (several times he didn't even replicated him self, just used it).For a 65 minute game for a hard carry this is pretty bad.He had free farming whole game, cause the rest of us pushed hard and still failed to did his part - so I don't think my asking him to get some decent items and to join the team fights was so toxic.Here lad:

(61:04 / Allied) leke: bone is not playing with the team
(61:07 / Allied) Shinnihs: game is so long cause u dont help
(61:08 / Allied) leke: he plays only for kills
(61:18 / Allied) Shinnihs: he plays to dont die
(61:23 / Allied) leke: im not helping like 10 min
(61:36 / Allied) leke: bone is not helping 58
(61:45 / Allied) Shinnihs: lol
(61:51 / Allied) Shinnihs: i perma plaid with bone this game
(61:57 / Allied) leke: ok
(61:58 / Allied) Shinnihs: rarely with u

Do u see?|The spectre just had no clue about the game - I was all the time in their woods in ww, ganking etc, all he had to do is to jump in in the right time, which he didn't.He had free farming whole game, got almost no items - check my items, I bought back 3 times and bought 2 gems and still had better items than he.Yet he somehow decided I was playing only for the kills?!However clock said it all - "I perma plaid with bone this game, rarely with you"

I can clearly see you are biased and you obviously dislike me, so I wonder how my ban request became your business ?I assume you are having too much free time, aren't you?

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Re: [DOTA] Leke - game ruining on purpose, refusing to help team

Postby Haunt » Tue Apr 30, 2019 10:40 am

raedric wrote:This could be construed as admin impersonation.


I'll lock this before you two turn it into another flame war... You DotA kids -.-

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Re: [DOTA] Leke - game ruining on purpose, refusing to help team

Postby Rain- » Wed Jun 19, 2019 6:56 pm

banned 3 days for refusing to cooperate.

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