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Re: [LTD] -akitos- king juggle

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:30 pm
by Krocis
Who cares we won the game? your king juggle a.k.a slowing game down for your 5 send cud be a gamechanger sooo, learn the rules and then ask for deny this brq.

Re: [LTD] -akitos- king juggle

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 4:42 pm
by SnowwyWolf
Having reviewed the replay it would be my verdict if I was a member of staff to deny this ban request, this is clearly not juggling. I came to the conclusion it isn't for the following reasons :
1) He targetted the weakest scorpions first, then the furbolg.
2) On two potentially three occasions was there a sign of any juggle, with that said he was trying to animation cancel which is faster.
3) If he simply left the king alone to attack at random (spin around and attack whatever it fancies), the delay would have been even greater than the very minor 'juggles'.

That is simply my opinion from viewing the replay.

Re: [LTD] -akitos- king juggle

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:04 am
by Merex
Since there's controversial opinions on this matter, I will not allow it to become a "thing".

Following that, the replay in my eyes reveals a blatant juggle, regardless good intention or not. The way the king is designed to attack is at the discretion of the map editor, not you. Your involvement in it's process is to merely direct it to what's allowed and that is - lower HP targets, and creep sends. Anything beyond that, and I will call it king juggling.

That being said, _Akitos_ warned. (No priors)

Spread the word if you must - ENT will not allow this form of king control, as it's intentionally switching the king's targeting off it's initial path that is outside our allowed methods. => If it's seen again, in different cases, they too will be grounds for ban.

And as a P.S. to settle this "Well it's faster, why wouldn't you allow it?!" => I've spoken with my department and they've informed me that it's little to no difference than just letting it attack as it's intended, with backing of LTD's map editor. Aka - I do not want to be spammed with PM's or have argumentation start on this matter any further.