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The new mirror is useless

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:56 am
by KamiKadse
For those who don't know, Mirror was changed from 66% damage amplify to 15%. The effect bounces now like Volt nuke.
IamDragon said the goal was to change Mirror from a niche item that "no one" buys into a useful one.
Thing is, it's not useful, it's garbage. The only use it has now is to nuke 100hp harvesters. Most of the time Titans have a minion when builders get the Hp upgrade making the item useless. I played my fair share of games vs unkillable AIRBORNE hunters and supports that are impossible to kill because 15% are just not enough.
It was the only counter to high hp hunters/supports and wall walkers.

Well, thats just my opinion. Do you guys agree/disagree?

Re: The new mirror is useless

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:19 pm
by Remixer
There's been a lot of discussion lately concerning strong support builders and I can guarantee I am working on ideas to tweak the balance.

Re: The new mirror is useless

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:21 pm
by vex193
I am feeling that damage decrease with the new mirror. I see its use leaning on delaying rewalling, instead of nuking workers or builders at the moment.

Re: The new mirror is useless

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:55 am
by IAmDragon
The change was intended to stop letting one item kill a builder in essentially one hit (298 damage)

The new mirror is being tweaked to ensure it still provides a useful idea

Re: The new mirror is useless

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:28 am
by KamiKadse
Maybe up the dmg up to 30%? It's way to hard to kill airborne hunters at the moment.

Re: The new mirror is useless

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:12 am
by IAmDragon
I will definitely consider it after this patch that was just released. Possibly we can custom code it so that it increases damage by 60% against Hunters only, I would be okay with that as well, we'll talk about it more in a new thread