Ban Coca Cola

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Ban Coca Cola

Postby fireandfury » Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:38 pm

Replay Link: ... 207076.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] HELLHALT TD v80 #56
Your Warcraft III Username: N/A
Violator's Warcraft III Username: coca-coia
Violated Rule(s): Intentional use of bannable bug abuse (Holy maceman on lvl 26).
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 63:28 and beyond
Any further thoughts: I did say I will get this muppet banned one way or another for ruining my games.

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Re: Ban Coca Cola

Postby mattybatty » Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:23 am

remind me again what the maceman does i vaguely remember this but i forgot about it

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Re: Ban Coca Cola

Postby mattybatty » Tue Apr 02, 2024 4:06 am

anyway none of the macemen made it to 26 and that team lost

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Re: Ban Coca Cola

Postby halo_mauler » Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:54 pm

Any further thoughts: "I did say I will get this muppet banned one way or another for ruining my games."
If someone ruins your game simply post the replay. This makes it look like your out to get someone

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Re: Ban Coca Cola

Postby fireandfury » Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:30 am

Ye okay I watched the replay. I didn't know the rule is "if the holy maceman lives to 30 then its bannable". Everyone knows to not make Holy Maceman on lvl 26 because of the chance to convert Legion and fuck the game. So why are we going based on the off chance that maybe it bugs, maybe it doesnt? Dude had 12 of them and shared orange 2 as well. He has hundreds of games and is well-aware of the unit's spell. They lived until 29, and barely died. My thoughts are the following: You cannot revert a win or a loss on the bot. So if this went sideways, you ban this guy but the team that played fair and did not use bannable units still loses. Trust me when I tell you, no one in the community really makes maceman on 26 because they know its bannable. I dont understand your decision. We need clarity on this rule. Bcuz if I dont get banned for making this unit to support me until lvl 29 and then it dies on 29 but helps my team to win, I will do it too. What do you mean none of them made it to 26? They lived until level 29 bro. Bug exploit allowed if you lose? XD (I'm kidding)

@Matty Holy maceman can bug the final boss. Dont rmb exactly how the process works, Fabi and Taco saw it more recently but if u convert Legion with the maceman spell, the legion can get revived bcuz it counts as dying while its converted? Something along those lines. Or just converting it bugs it? Point is, its banned for a reason, so not sure where the line is drawn. Is this a "case by case" basis, or is it a general rule "dont do x or you get banned".

@Halo this guy ruined three of my games. Flames in chats. Takes over lobbies and flames. Ignores people. He is very very well-known in the active player-base and dodged by most players. Not sure how you don't know about him. He's a dodgy individual.

I will upload a screenshot of the build and pose the question if its bannable or not bcuz I never see ppl mass maceman anymore for 26. All good though, I appreciate you both watching this and looking into it. And sorry if I came off strong. I have my reasons, like I said.

P.S. I watched closely, it was converting units on lvl 28 fyi. Also, he was pushing them forward on the regular levels, including 25. On 26, he did not push them forward : )
Maceman 1.JPG
Maceman 1.JPG (525.17 KiB) Viewed 516 times
Maceman 2.JPG
Maceman 2.JPG (486.14 KiB) Viewed 516 times
Maceman 4.JPG
Maceman 4.JPG (429.68 KiB) Viewed 516 times
Maceman 5.JPG
Maceman 5.JPG (518.1 KiB) Viewed 516 times

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