Admin abused his rights!

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Admin abused his rights!

Postby Goshko » Tue Apr 23, 2019 8:53 pm

Your Warcraft III username: SugarDaddy
Realm/Gateway: WC3connect
Why are you banned: Admin abused his rights
Why you should be unbanned: It was a hard game, where we had to play like 3v5,cause dusa & weaver were always not there/late.Therefore I told them several times to join the team fights, that we need them etc.I ended up being ignored by both.We won somehorw, however in the lobby of the next game I met the very same guy - dusa (Nickname Zammmm) - so I asked him why he was never with us, which ended by him telling me that he will just ban me!The reason he gave was "mass pinging" - which is true - I did ping - the reason was I got ignored by both dusa and weaver and this was the only way tho show them there is a fight or that something is going on.I can recall a situation where there was a big fight in which 3 of us ended alive versus only Lina from scourge, so we broke middle and got Rax, then I said go top - me and sniper went top and weaver went farming!So yeah I ping several times in order weaver to join us and end the game, which he didn't.So they eventually defended and game lasted 20 more minutes (completely not necessary) - I think this example is good enough to understand why I had to ping.

However what is more important - this guy (it says Admin's Name Astros) banned me straight forward - he did NOT make any thread, he didn't report me he just decided to ban me, just like that.This just can't be fair - he is BAISED - he got pissed off by my question and decided to ban me right away.Wasn't he supposed to report me here?Like I said - it can't be that he is allowed to ban me - he is a side of this conflict, he can't judge unbiased.It's like when u have a fight with some random guy on the street and it turns out he is a judge at court, so he just calls the cops and sends you striaght to jail, just because he decided so?!Is this how things work here?!I find it completly unfair, what this guy did, for me this is pure example of an Admin who abused his rights!Now I wanted to play a couple of more games before I go to bed, which I can't because some guy decided to abuse his admin's rights!

If this is how things work here at ENT - every admin is God and can ban people just like that without report etc., ok I can live with that.But I strongly belive we all should be equal by the rules, for the rules are the same for all of us, - therefore this guy should've reported me here and not banned me right away.So, don't you think this guy realy abused his admin's rights!?

P.S. I would really appreciate it if someone can take a look of this case - it would be great if I get unbanned so I could play a couple of more games tonight.

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Re: Admin abused his rights!

Postby Astros » Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:21 pm

Not true.


First off, read the chat of the game. You were toxic to everyone and completely raged all game.

Secondly, I never wanted to initially report you but in the lobby of the next game, you decided to start flaming for no apparent reason.

Also, I was in almost every fight and if I wasn't, it was cause I was dead. None of you guys had wanted to tank so I initiated every fight while Sniper and Weaver were able to kill them and push. Your recollection of this game is totally inaccurate not to mention the numerous times you've decided to act like a child by calling people a maphacker, !votekicking weaver because he wasn't catering to your every demand, and then mass-pinging because your teammates !ignored you due to your toxic attitude.

This would have all been avoided if you didn't show any other evidence of being disruptive. You chose to go to the next game and start flaming so in response to that, I decided not to let your mass pinging (not to mention I could have reported you for VK abuse on weaver twice) slide as you deserve a break from the game.
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Re: Admin abused his rights!

Postby Goshko » Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:39 pm

And how did I flame you in the lobby???By asking you why you didn't join the team fights???How about posting the chat from lobby so everyone can see my "flaming"??It's very good u posted that chat - everyone can see how the other two normal players in our team told u to join the team fights -

(30:56 / Allied) ZAMMMM: imma start playing more selfish
(31:11 / Allied) JottoTV: how can you be more selfish than now?

You see - you actually admitted that u were playing selfish and that u will start playing even more selfish - you realize very well why I got so pissed off and u admitted it, so to be fair u provoked all big time and u know that!U did much more care about your stats, rather than if we win or lose and your own words shown that.

I was like u said "toxic" to two guys - you and weaver, those 2 that almost costed us the game.

Here is another example:

(45:19 / Allied) imgroot: why are you two farming
(45:24 / Allied) imgroot: when they going to rax
(45:29 / Allied) ZAMMMM: cause theyre dumb
(45:52 / Allied) ZAMMMM: buncha selfish players on this team

Actually - didn't u here throw the game ???You admitted u did NOT DEFEND ON PURPOSE - how about this ?This is another example how u did NOT COOPERATE with team - yet again u admitted it all by your self.So you may reconsider your statement how u were "always there", when u all by your self admitted that u didn't defend on purpose?!Is this not bannable?!

However, this is not the main issue here - this happens almost every game, there are always guys, the so called "stats whores", that care more about their own stats (k/d ratio) than if they r to win or lose.The problem is that you didn't say ANYTHING about if u should be the one to judge me here - I find this COMPLETLY UNFAIR.You are very, very BIASED here and u should not be the one to make the decision!Like I said above - it's like some judge from the court has a fight with some random guy on the street and the judge sends him to jail just like that -without a trial - this is EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID, for me this is a pure Admin's abuse and I insist on some other moderator to take position here if Astros had the right to ban me!

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Re: Admin abused his rights!

Postby Astros » Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:53 pm

[SugarDaddy]: lol
[SugarDaddy]: cant decide
[SugarDaddy]: who is worse
[System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start.
[SugarDaddy]: dusa
[SugarDaddy]: or weaver
[System]: Waiting for 6 more players before the game will automatically start.
[SugarDaddy]: weaver how it came u were in the fuckingwoods
[Bao-]: who ask you kid rofl
[SugarDaddy]: when we were braking
[SugarDaddy]: tell me shitnoob
[ZAMMMM]: maybe ill just go back in that game and report u for mass pinging
[SugarDaddy]: did u like getting carried ?
[SugarDaddy]: go back
[SugarDaddy]: report your self
[SugarDaddy]: for failling
[SugarDaddy]: u and weaver
[SugarDaddy]: almost threw that
[SugarDaddy]: 1 decent ulty
[ZAMMMM]: lol
[SugarDaddy]: was all i needed
[SugarDaddy]: lol ?
[SugarDaddy]: did u have fun NOT to get focused ?
[SugarDaddy]: i tanked so much for a moron like u
[SugarDaddy]: fucking piece of shit

So this is what you decide to come into the lobby to spew despite no one saying anything to you to trigger your response.

Yes, I said I would start playing more selfish because every time I tried to get the team to push together, I ended up dying to the enemy team. It made zero sense for me to continue baiting them when 2/4 of you wouldn't come to the fight.

Go find where I was actually playing selfish and didn't help.. Until then, you're just lying and there doesn't need to be any more discussion about that. "Played for stats." If I was playing for stats, my K/D would be so much higher across all games. I'm really not sure which game you were playing.

Anyways, you are banned for mass pinging so unless you can deny that ever happened, this appeal is baseless. Admin abuse would be me banning you inaccurately. This isn't the case.
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Re: Admin abused his rights!

Postby Goshko » Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:10 pm

Here is where you did NOT help :

(45:19 / Allied) imgroot: why are you two farming
(45:24 / Allied) imgroot: when they going to rax
(45:29 / Allied) ZAMMMM: cause theyre dumb
(45:52 / Allied) ZAMMMM: buncha selfish players on this team

Admitted by your self btw - so yeah u did NOT help.How about ban your self for not defending on purpose?!
@Ohter admins - is this a reason enough to make a report for game throwing - when a guy doesn't defend on purpose and even admitted it ?Should I report him?

About pinging - like I said it was the only way to show you or weaver that something was going on, e.g. when weaver went farming instead of raxxing or when you did NOT defend on purpose.I think it was completely ok to ping in that moments.

However it seems you are still avoiding my point - so I ask you once again - were YOU the guy that should make the decision here - a guy that is the one part of this conflict?!Like I said - if I am to get banned for what I did - I can live with that - I should just try to ignore selfish players like you (your own statement), however I keep saying - there is no way you should've been the one that decide if I am to get banned or not - you were here NOT AS ADMIN, but like a guy that is reporting another guy - therefore u can NOT be unbiased no matter what u say.This is what I call admin's abuse and I'm still waiting some higher ranked admin to take a statement.

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Re: Admin abused his rights!

Postby Astros » Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:40 pm


So your evidence of me not helping is by posting a timestamp in which I died because I was the ONLY one defending vs four enemy players? Really, take a look at the replay because you have a terrible miscalculation of what had actually occurred. imgroot was not referring to me but Weaver and Juggernaut. I was the one who DIED defending because no one else had wanted to.

When did I admit I didn't help? Find any evidence of me not helping. I had the second most assists in that game despite being the first to die on my team because I was constantly the one initiating. How do you conclude that I wasn't helping?

I never ignored your point. I answered it in the previous post. I do not need another moderator's permission to ban you. If you broke a rule, I can choose to ban you. Initially, as I had stated, I let you go but the only reason I changed my mind was due to the fact that you decided to start being toxic in the lobby of the next game. If it is an incorrect ban due to duration or reason, you have the ability to appeal it. So far, your appeal does not include any denial that you mass pinged and since mass pinging is bannable, I am denying this ban appeal.
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