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afking at start

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 10:52 am
by FameWhore
Your Warcraft III username: deepinlove
Realm/Gateway: wc3connect
Why are you banned: afking at start
Why you should be unbanned: I joined the game and still few players were the so i afked and go to other tab on internet website to wait for few more players. I was expecting for them to just wait for me or ping me if the game already starts and or just votekick me and have another game but instead they banned me. Please unban be my case is not that heavy.

Re: afking at start

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 12:34 pm
by mattybatty
no of your last 4 games 2 you were afk and the third you just left at the beginning so denied. and on the 5th you left at 39 minutes. on the 6th to last you were kicked at lvl10. serial leaver and afk'er. i will ban u longer if i see it keep happening.