Hello !! I introduce myself, I am the owner of a gaming community called [url]LatinBattle.com[/url] and in which we focus on almost everything but mainly on WARCRAFT 3 FROZEN THRONE v1.27b.
The community has been inactive but little by little we are coming out to play and now that WC3 has been on many streams on different platforms such as: TikTok, Twitch, YouTube.
On my platform it is with PVPGN 1.8.5 and we can set up games with bots from different countries and set up their rankings.
I would be interested in uniting players and I would also like to achieve a proposal between ENT GAMING and LATINBATTLE to unite communities and that we can also create games with the LAUNCHER ENT GAMING and that they teach us or give us support to create our own launcher and thus we will have more bots for people that they can play.
In our community, we play maps like "Saint Seiya Legends", "CustomMOBA", "Survival Chaos", "Custom Hero Survival", "The War", "Legion TD".
BOT that we use from the USA: https://latinbattle.localto.net/w3/
BOT that we use from the "CHILE: https://latinbattle2.localto.net/w3/
REDES SOCIALES: https://latinbattle.com/comunidad/
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