LoD quitting

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LoD quitting

Postby Veinmetal » Tue Dec 25, 2018 9:48 pm

Damn. I can't believe I was gonna say this. 6000 games later and ... i'm quitting.

I\m sorry but the new mode is really bad. It ruins the very fiber LoD was all about to begin with.

When Rearm Eclipse was banned, there was a reasonable explanation to it. Anyone can see that.
When it comes down to Relo ball. Wrath MC WC, perma invis Duel, there's always a controversy and a disputable debate.

But the new patch is completely dumb and defeats the entire purpose of LoD.

Keep in mind LoD was never meant to be a balanced game as Dota is supposed to feel like.

LoD was kinda like gambling. If you had a good draft and you had a little bit of skills, then you had the advantage to win.
Great players could turn the game around either way. They would always find a great build even in the worst drafts possible.
So the LoD itself would be very entertaining.

But now, the dreams have been stolen from this game with the new mode implemented.

For example, i always preferred MC over any other build. But now, every skill picked by a teammate is banned. Having ONE MC, ONE dive, ONE STAR-FALL, ONE Eclipse, ONE REINCARNATION.

The mode itself is the Grinch. I can only see it viable in teams that aren't pubs, where the team is discussing what skills to be shared among the players.
One MC draft could be advantageous over the next, and players will see that obviously. But in pubs, the first guy grabbing MC could actually royally screw over a teammate that has a superior MC draft. And the selfishness of players in pubs is simply unwatchable. And even if there was reason, it would be unreasonable to think there's enough time to negotiate which skills go to which player.

SO, since I personally prefer certain builds and absolutely hate most builds, when skills such as MC, WC, dive, Wrath, are taken away from me, then the only reason for me to play LoD has been negated.

This new mode is as bad as if they started banning OP drafts like, Relo Ball, MC Wrath etc. Because if they started to ban the OP builds, people will end up playing the most ridiculous bad drafts and the game would end up sucking.

Before this patch, the game felt like it gave. It felt like lottery and the chance to get the best draft.

MY FAVORITE draft in this game has ALWAYS been Agility morph + return + flesh heap + Pudge ULt + Obsidian Ult. It just feel great and fulfilling to me. VERY VERY hard draft to get. I probably get it once per a few weeks / months. But when I do, it's so satisfying.
But now, I get to see this occasional valuable draft absolutely massacred and BTFO by some teammate who uses ONE of the skills of it.

This new is such an aberration, you can't even imagine it within my feedback.

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