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Europe at War Vic. 2.72

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:36 am
by qwelkop03
i cant make a game on ent. coz i dont know how. im using garena. and i always wanted to played this game on more ppl. local hosting has only few ppl. thats why want in on ENT. pls help PM me. on how... tnx

Re: Europe at War Vic. 2.72

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:33 am
by StoPCampinGn00b
I'm not staff here, so don't trust me as a super reliable source in answering you're question.

Anyway, by clicking on ENT Link near the top of the page you can reach the hosting page. I'm not sure if it works this way on Garena, but just enter the game name and join. You're other option if you won't use a legit WC3 with is to use ENT connect.

Also, le Europe at War forum will probably be useful for you.