WMW 2.5 Released!

Moderator: Trenchguns

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WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby Trenchguns » Mon Oct 23, 2017 5:53 am

All issues with this version should go into the bug reports subforum https://entgaming.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=318

WMW 2.5 Released!

WMW TNG 2.5O.w3x
(420.57 KiB) Downloaded 315 times

  • Lessened dps of Lightning Beam
  • Wood towers now sell for wood value
  • Towers sell for 90% of gold value
  • Slight Tank bomb cooldown decrease
  • Slight Satan's Executioner cooldown decrease
  • Finished builder Hotkeys
  • Started working on reintroducing races
  • Potential huge abuse fixed
  • Added new antiblock system
  • Removed some unused old code
  • Added minimal damage to mazing rock, it no longer upgrades, added it to Warlock
  • Fixed few more bits of code concerning multiboard
  • Reworked terrain to be even more symmetrical, including moving center
  • Incentivized air even more (+5 income if enabled)
  • Removed -pro for now
  • Finished balancing spreadsheet for all towers of every race https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dKXHUaYHGZANDNrt4yl07khLZjKkE7lIRydM0Pd0Qdw
  • Spelling and other misc minor fixes I've forgotten about

WMW TNG 2.5 Progress:

WMW TNG 2.4d.w3x
(570.15 KiB) Downloaded 352 times

  • Lessened dps of Lightning Beam
  • Slight Tank bomb cooldown decrease
  • Slight Satan's Executioner cooldown decrease
  • Finished builder Hotkeys
  • Started working on reintroducing races
  • Potential huge abuse fixed.

WMW TNG 2.5 Progress:

WMW TNG 2.4c.w3x
(564.92 KiB) Downloaded 246 times

  • Added new antiblock system(untested)
  • Reworked even more hotkeys for builders, adding placeholders
  • Removed some unused old code
  • Added minimal damage to mazing rock,
  • Fixed few more bits of code concerning multiboard

WMW TNG 2.5 Progress:

WMW TNG 2.4b.w3x
(563.59 KiB) Downloaded 255 times

This is just a minor release. Working on finishing what I've done. Started to give towers hotkeys and switch around places so they are in price order. Includes other fixes too.
  • Fixed Egg of death tower
  • Fixed few errors in code
  • Reworked terrain to be even more symmetrical, including moving center
  • Incentivized air even more (+5 income if enabled)
  • Removed -pro for now
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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby Trenchguns » Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:25 am

WMW 2.5 officially released!

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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby NoCooKiE » Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:03 am

great update, you keep adding more and ill keep testing!
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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby S3izur3 » Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:42 am

Awesome, can't wait to play it a bit later tonight!
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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby NoCooKiE » Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:08 pm

other changes that trench forgot to mention:
buildings sell for 90% now
Wood Buildings now sell for there wood value and not 100k like they used to

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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby lazyguy » Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:57 am

Hello, I've PMed you and this shall be a reference because I can't attach files in PM.

Anti-Block System
When I mazed today, instead of the stuff attacking (I WAS NOT BLOCKING BTW) they apparently went straight to end of maze and took lives from me. If that is your idea of the anti-block system it is flawed because I was not blocking, and my opponent also saw that I wasn't blocking. I believe I found why it thought I was blocking - my maze went all the way to the water, and was touching the water. As soon as I removed the towers from touching the water I didn't have a problem anymore.

Also my opponent was losing towers too due to this system for no reason either. But for him it just created a short cut, not jump anything newly spawned to the boat.

Incentivized Air
+5 income doesn't make me want to use that mode, as air can easily screw a person up with no splash (---->BEAM<---) And yes I know it has 1 splash tower but fails after t1 spawn (even during) :?

Things I like, however. Sorry for being critical :)
QWERTY build and in order corresponding to the "rank" of the tower.

Now for the main part, attached is a copy of the map so that I can see terrain/units.
World Editor
Go to View (menu bar at the top) > Pathing - ground
This will show you the terrain issue on the right side of the map.

The top team has a 10 vertical space meanwhile the bottom has a 9 space vertically (x by 2). In addition the patch that is unbuildable on the right side (teal's side) still hasn't been fixed. I've found the issue, it deals with ice terran. One is unbuildable while the other allows building, so you are gonna have to re-do that terran there.

EDIT: Replay for proof of not blocking.
Sorry for the flaming :lol: I was really upset that i lost like 20 lives to something that wasn't my fault. <3 Duke!
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 953513.w3g

EDIT2: Suggestions
Beams sucks so bad it is not funny. I've check your excel doc. Beam has no crit, splash. The ultimate tower for beam is 1/2 the attack speed but has less DPS than other final towers of other races. Most have crit and or splash. The "fast" attack speed is not replaceable as the army final tower is faster than it but has CRIT. Of course it has weapon jam, but its the crit that's important. That also skews the "damage" other towers do.
In addition, it costs gold all the way up to the second to last final tower. In other words, it is expensive af to upgrade - no one is replacing towers late game. Beam sucks, it has fast attack speed for the beginning towers, which makes it acceptable to have lower damage. But you upgrade,
its attack speed lowers, and damage (especially dps) is not on par with others.

TL:DR BUFF BEAM - splash, lower attack speed, damage, and/or crit. It needs rework.

EDIT 3: Races
Due to the factors, the combinations are high. D=Damage, C=Crit, S=Splash, A=Attack speed, H=High, L=Low

This doesn't factor in range or cost, as it would be extremely complicated because these two variables can vary between high/low. In my opinion, each tower from every race should have at least two of these HIGH qualities. Of course cost would depend if it has 2 or more of these qualities and the range. The first 2 towers of each race could have 1 or 2 of these qualities. When it comes to ultimate towers I'd say 3 or 4 of the qualities, but how much can vary. For example, .4 attack speed, 100 splash, 2x crit, 50k damage|.9 attack speed, 250 splash, 1.5 crit, 400k damage.
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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby overseer12 » Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:11 am

I was really excited for this one. At the time of this writing, I just finished a game, where the overall feedback of the new version from the participating players was very negative. But I thought I would give you some feedback.

  • If you are building on one of the sides, if your maze are on the ramp close to the water-line, you sometimes lose a life.
  • Nerf to mazing rock is too much (the ability not to be upgraded).
  • Missing pro mode, imo release should've been post-phoned until it was implemented (since so many people lag out without it).

  • QWERTY purchase binds is a big plus, and has been on top of my list of wished things.

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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby Trenchguns » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:33 am

lazyguy wrote:Hello, I've PMed you and this shall be a reference because I can't attach files in PM.

Anti-Block System
When I mazed today, instead of the stuff attacking (I WAS NOT BLOCKING BTW) they apparently went straight to end of maze and took lives from me. If that is your idea of the anti-block system it is flawed because I was not blocking, and my opponent also saw that I wasn't blocking. I believe I found why it thought I was blocking - my maze went all the way to the water, and was touching the water. As soon as I removed the towers from touching the water I didn't have a problem anymore.

Also my opponent was losing towers too due to this system for no reason either. But for him it just created a short cut, not jump anything newly spawned to the boat.

Incentivized Air
+5 income doesn't make me want to use that mode, as air can easily screw a person up with no splash (---->BEAM<---) And yes I know it has 1 splash tower but fails after t1 spawn (even during) :?

Things I like, however. Sorry for being critical :)
QWERTY build and in order corresponding to the "rank" of the tower.

Now for the main part, attached is a copy of the map so that I can see terrain/units.
World Editor
Go to View (menu bar at the top) > Pathing - ground
This will show you the terrain issue on the right side of the map.

The top team has a 10 vertical space meanwhile the bottom has a 9 space vertically (x by 2). In addition the patch that is unbuildable on the right side (teal's side) still hasn't been fixed. I've found the issue, it deals with ice terran. One is unbuildable while the other allows building, so you are gonna have to re-do that terran there.

EDIT: Replay for proof of not blocking.
Sorry for the flaming :lol: I was really upset that i lost like 20 lives to something that wasn't my fault. <3 Duke!
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 953513.w3g

EDIT2: Suggestions
Beams sucks so bad it is not funny. I've check your excel doc. Beam has no crit, splash. The ultimate tower for beam is 1/2 the attack speed but has less DPS than other final towers of other races. Most have crit and or splash. The "fast" attack speed is not replaceable as the army final tower is faster than it but has CRIT. Of course it has weapon jam, but its the crit that's important. That also skews the "damage" other towers do.
In addition, it costs gold all the way up to the second to last final tower. In other words, it is expensive af to upgrade - no one is replacing towers late game. Beam sucks, it has fast attack speed for the beginning towers, which makes it acceptable to have lower damage. But you upgrade,
its attack speed lowers, and damage (especially dps) is not on par with others.

TL:DR BUFF BEAM - splash, lower attack speed, damage, and/or crit. It needs rework.

EDIT 3: Races
Due to the factors, the combinations are high. D=Damage, C=Crit, S=Splash, A=Attack speed, H=High, L=Low

This doesn't factor in range or cost, as it would be extremely complicated because these two variables can vary between high/low. In my opinion, each tower from every race should have at least two of these HIGH qualities. Of course cost would depend if it has 2 or more of these qualities and the range. The first 2 towers of each race could have 1 or 2 of these qualities. When it comes to ultimate towers I'd say 3 or 4 of the qualities, but how much can vary. For example, .4 attack speed, 100 splash, 2x crit, 50k damage|.9 attack speed, 250 splash, 1.5 crit, 400k damage.

I'll definitely take a look at the new anti blocking measure. Didn't have that occur during testing but also I tend to test 2v2 and build in the back, I'll check the linked replay after I wake up today for sure. I know what the issue of losing lives is, I think I set something as false when it was supposed to be set as true.

I'll add a secondary splash anti air attack to the lightning tower as well as dark beam.

I'll definitely try to fix up the terrain again. I've felt like starting from scratch a few times, but it's almost done at this point.

Unfortunately the one gimmick of beam, the insane attack speed, was a huge problem. It was a major cause of lag. I do need to update my spreadsheet with critical strike values to even it out more, and I started to do it with some.
Have to stop writing cuz my phone is being slow and the keyboard keeps crashing

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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby Trenchguns » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:38 am

overseer12 wrote:I was really excited for this one. At the time of this writing, I just finished a game, where the overall feedback of the new version from the participating players was very negative. But I thought I would give you some feedback.

  • If you are building on one of the sides, if your maze are on the ramp close to the water-line, you sometimes lose a life.
  • Nerf to mazing rock is too much (the ability not to be upgraded).
  • Missing pro mode, imo release should've been post-phoned until it was implemented (since so many people lag out without it).

  • QWERTY purchase binds is a big plus, and has been on top of my list of wished things.

1. Yea I'll fix that up real quick. Easy fix.
2. I understand. I can definitely put it back. For some reason world editor was throwing a fit with it so I had to remove the upgrade. I'll try to fiddle with it more to see if I cam get it back to normal.
3. It's being added as a voting option next version, I removed it because I felt it gave a little too much power to one person

4. Thanks. Took me a long time since world editor lags for a good 15 seconds every time I edit the tool tip or name of a unit. Then it took longer to try and place everything in the right order since it can be semi random. Let's just say world editor isn't great too work with.

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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby lazyguy » Sun Oct 29, 2017 3:56 pm

Another error I found, when someone types -ff to forfeit, -nf does not work. So basically if someone wants to forfeit, there's nothing the person who doesn't want to can do.

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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby Trenchguns » Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:11 pm

lazyguy wrote:Another error I found, when someone types -ff to forfeit, -nf does not work. So basically if someone wants to forfeit, there's nothing the person who doesn't want to can do.

Which team? I've tried on at least one in an earlier version and it has worked. Really it's only used in a 3v3 if 2 want out and one wants to stay. In teams of two both have to forfeit. -nf does not immediately cancel the vote it just stops it from passing. I can take a look but unless you can give me a link to a replay or some extra information I'm not entirely sure what I'll be looking for.

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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby lazyguy » Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:21 pm

I was on team 1.http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/view_replay.php?file=9960636.w3g 2:13 is when voting process begins.
2 players (on same IP) joined when we needed +1. No one wanted to leave so I left. Then while waiting for next game, I see that the game I left didn't begin, and in fact one of my friends joined. So I built on left and right side water. They started a forfeit. When I typed -nf, it didn't show a message saying "IA-Tidus chose not to forfeit." But it did however, show the two people who did want to forfeit.

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Re: WMW 2.5 Released!

Postby Trenchguns » Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:12 pm

lazyguy wrote:I was on team 1.http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/view_replay.php?file=9960636.w3g 2:13 is when voting process begins.
2 players (on same IP) joined when we needed +1. No one wanted to leave so I left. Then while waiting for next game, I see that the game I left didn't begin, and in fact one of my friends joined. So I built on left and right side water. They started a forfeit. When I typed -nf, it didn't show a message saying "IA-Tidus chose not to forfeit." But it did however, show the two people who did want to forfeit.

Ok I'll take a look. Thanks for the information and replay.
Closing thread. Any new issues can go into the bug reports subforum.

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