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The anti-block feature is kind of bugged now

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:33 pm
by Glottis
I'm not sure what you've changed in this version from the last, but 3 games out of the last 5 games that I've played, a team always loses many lives because they "blocked a side", or the game thinks they did. The creeps get sent directly to the ship and the game ends up being over faster than anyone can react.

I've noticed this when someone builds too close to the river it happens, and there may be other cases too but I haven't scanned all the building areas fast enough before the game ends to see if there are any other reasons this might be happening. But I've never seen this anti-block feature work in any games, then with the new release it happens in 3 in 5.

Thank you

Re: The anti-block feature is kind of bugged now

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:16 pm
by Trenchguns
Currently aware of a few issues . I have a possible fix for it right now but I want to test it a bit before I say anything for certain.

Re: The anti-block feature is kind of bugged now

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:50 pm
by Trenchguns
Fixed in latest version. Thanks.