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Re: WC3Connect

Postby Curt » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:03 am

uakf.b wrote:@Curt even if you restart the wc3connect.exe is it still stuck on "Authenticating" / forum?

after disabling AVG firewall it authenticated me. seems like it was preventing it. What do i need to add as an exception to the firewall? (tried the .exe but didn't work like that)

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby uakf.b » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:05 am


> 1. Would it make more sense to roll back to an even earlier version? I know there are a couple of new maps since the new versions came out, but we also lost A LOT of maps after 1.29.

Yeah maybe 1.29, especially if eurobattle switches. But not until 1.30.2 is released.

> 2. Does it work like the old dotacash client? (What type of protocol does it use to establish the connection?)

In terms of connecting to the game it is similar to GProxy++.

> 3. Can 2 people on the same lan use the client simultaneously?

Currently the games broadcast by the desktop app might interfere. So you might see the games for other person on your computer. I think we could add an option about broadcasting to localhost vs to avoid this problem.
dWFrZi5i -- 'cause I'm cool like Agreements

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby uakf.b » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:06 am

Curt wrote:after disabling AVG firewall it authenticated me. seems like it was preventing it. What do i need to add as an exception to the firewall? (tried the .exe but didn't work like that)

Ah, happy to hear that you got it working. I think we can add an error popup for that, since probably it failed to create a local TCP server; so that we users will know that it is firewall issue.

Have you checked this? https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleV ... G-Firewall

It seems like you can select the executable in the step 6 "Path" field by clicking on the "...".
dWFrZi5i -- 'cause I'm cool like Agreements

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby 321luigi321 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:22 am

Still can't join 13+ players map?

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby Unitil » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:26 am

I joined a 24 player diplomacy map without any issue.


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Re: WC3Connect

Postby pinheadlarry » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:30 am

Awesome thanks for the info.

since probably it failed to create a local TCP server

Does that mean the client uses a bridged-layer 2 architecture to set up a limited VPN? If so, I agree both PCs will likely see the game, but do you think 2 independent accounts can play? Or if 2 clients are open, will it try to create 2 bridges using the same port/path and mess everything up? I'm not worried about seeing a broadcasted game from the other lan computer, if that is all that will result. I just know (at least back in the day) entconnect does not play nice with 2 lan computers.

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby uakf.b » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:54 am

@pinheadlarry haha nothing so complicated. It's just a TCP tunnel. App will create TCP server on, and send UDP packets to both and any IP addresses configured on interfaces, to announce the game. When player connects, app will create TCP connection to the gameserver. So players on the same LAN can join games hosted by each other's apps.

ENT Connect should be the same idk.
dWFrZi5i -- 'cause I'm cool like Agreements

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby justtrash » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:19 am

Before I got past the authentication page, I had to disable real-time protection under windows defender security center. Either that or it was windows fire wall.

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby pinheadlarry » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:22 am

Oh I see! The problem with entconnet (at least a couple years back) is myself and meow_mix would try to connect both through entconnect (each of us would start the java browser app) but weird account issues would happen. For example, he would join as meow_mix, then I would join, and despite my local name/ent account name being pinheadlarry, it would ALSO have me join as meow_mix. In a spoof checked game, one of us would then get kicked. So since then I've always played on Bnet and him on Entconnect with no problems.

Regardless, we will certainly try the client out and see what happens! I was just trying to get a feel of the network-mechanics behind the client in case it does not work and I have to start trying to make virtual router networks and other probably not ping-friendly routing alternatives... But hopefully it wont come to that...

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby uakf.b » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:35 am

@pinheadlarry ah, both ENT Connect and WC3Connect will rewrite your username so it matches the username of your forum account. If you manage to join your local game then it'd rewrite it to the correct thing.

I'll try to add setting for broadcasting to in the next version which should remedy this.
dWFrZi5i -- 'cause I'm cool like Agreements

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby pinheadlarry » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:05 am

That would be much appreciated! Could you even just simply within the server just tie a local IP to the account at the point of login?


username _____ Password_______ local IP_________

Then again, you probably have much better ways of doing this... :) It doesn't seem easy to keep anti-spoof, and ensure the player has their ent account name assigned so that they can't hijack an alias, and still allow multiple accounts to access ent through a single server... lol

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby Geographica » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:15 am

Hmm, I just got this set-up and running - why didn't I do this sooner! TY ENT :D

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby denj » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:19 am

Works great, is it possible to create a thread for features/updates/etc? I'd like to request filtering based on game type with preferences saved as a txt file

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby alexast » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:32 am

The wc3 has to be original copy to be able to play for lan?

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Re: WC3Connect

Postby XperT » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:39 am

can't use cuz version isn't supported it says. running windows 32bit

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