Why are inactive accounts still listed in ranking?

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Why are inactive accounts still listed in ranking?

Postby Draco » Fri Jul 12, 2019 5:39 pm

Why are inactive players who quit the game still listed in ranking? Can we update the ranking system for players that actually still play?

50% of the players in top 2 pages havent had a game in 6 months... isnt it suppose to reset after 3 months of inactivity?

Zam, dhamma,raining,korean, etc. Almost everyone in the top 10 hasnt played in over 6 months? It should be Nicey as rank one now since he's the only active player in top 10 who plays real heros. I already made xsaintx quit his crappy 700/400 win/loss meepo spam main account and he only plays a bugged hero so his doesnt even count even though he grinded 1000 meepo games for that.

@unitil Please update the ranking to players who have played in the last 6 months, since most of the good players quit or dont have a game this entire year

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Re: Why are inactive accounts still listed in ranking?

Postby New_Vaylen » Fri Jul 12, 2019 7:42 pm

ENT will be great again. Worry not we are here, we are everywhere and we know everything. Everything is going according to plan.

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Re: Why are inactive accounts still listed in ranking?

Postby xSAINTx1 » Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:23 pm

Ask yourself, who got nicey to top 10? Hmm? See who smurfs for him every game. You'll never reach top 10, sorry vaylen; keep dreaming

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Re: Why are inactive accounts still listed in ranking?

Postby Draco » Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:18 am

@xsaintx1 i don't care about top 10. I just find it funny that top 2 pages is mostly players who quit the game 6+ months ago. I blocked you on forums so idk why you follow all my posts still. Go back to crying to us on discord about how poor you are, clearly your only goals are to stalk me and abuse meepo in a 20 year old game to get "top 10" lmao, go focus on making some money maybe you'll be able to buy that computer finally lmao. Also your account record is actually shitty. No one will ever respect you as a good player

FYI saint, nice fail smurfing vs me and getting owned in both games.. we both know i own you in 1v1 and already im way ahead of your crappy 1000 game account, your stats actually suck on your main even with meepo every game lol
Saint is "minglul" just played vs him twice 1v1 and he got rekt both times. (He loses every time unless he abuses meepo and begs for a bara)

btw you dont smurf for Nicey hes way better than you'll ever be.. he got it cuz hes way better than you and doesnt play a bugged hero every game so it actually means something.
Last edited by Draco on Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why are inactive accounts still listed in ranking?

Postby MageOfTime » Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:35 am

draco i was wondering where id rank in ent im 4.5kmmr in dota2

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Re: Why are inactive accounts still listed in ranking?

Postby Draco » Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:36 am

lol come play and lets find out, im 1600 in under 100 games. Saint takes 500 games abusing a bugged hero to crack 1500, 1000 games later his life goal is accomplished only because he abuses a bugged hero. His real elo is like 1200-1300. His minglul account is accurate if he plays real heros

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Re: Why are inactive accounts still listed in ranking?

Postby xSAINTx1 » Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:48 am

I didn't go mid vs u twice, i went once. Idk what ur definition of "owning you mid" means, since you didn't kill me, you had less cs, and u didn't get my mid tower. Idk who you are trying to fool man. I didn't play 1000 meepo games, i played on one account for 500 games when i learned dota. Unlike you, I have played for less then two years, and saint was my main. If I played meepo only, i could get high elo as well, which I already did but it got reset. I don't have 400 loses on that account lmfao, god you're retarded. i never said I was the best, but i know for a fact, i'm picked over you in any competitive game, and if you don't believe me, go message anyone on bnet to see. You have played for 5+ years, and still lose unless you stack. You're literally a laughing stock in pubs and over this community. No one takes you serious, and it's sad i'm even giving this much attention to a kid with daddy issues, who never loved him, and only left him with a vast amount of money. You're pathetic my guy.

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Re: Why are inactive accounts still listed in ranking?

Postby Draco » Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:57 am

Daddy issues? More like blessings. Someone is a bit jealous. And ofc you give me this much attention you literally stalk all my posts even after i blocked you. And no one likes me? that must be why i have dozens of people who play with me and say im great and we all laugh at you. no one respects you dude they know you only abuse meepo. and i triggered you clearly, just messing around. and ofc you responded within a few mins watching this all day haha :lol:

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Re: Why are inactive accounts still listed in ranking?

Postby Unitil » Sat Jul 13, 2019 3:21 am

Off topic, and we already have a topic for this.


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