Solution - griefing, solo sending and intentionally losing

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Solution - griefing, solo sending and intentionally losing

Postby dzon1lex » Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:57 pm

Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] HELLHALT TD #64
Your Warcraft III Username: dzon1lex
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Solution
Violated Rule(s): solo sending, toxicity, refusing to send when other 2 wanted, leaking on purpose, not wanting to surge when team needs etc..
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): The whole game. 32:13 Not wanting to send 14 with team; 41:22 Solo sending 18; 50:40 Not surging 20 and leaking 9 bosses + send; 58:03 Another solo send 23 (refusing to send 24 when red and I agreed on it, which was a free win).
Any further thoughts: I don't mind getting even a permanent ban from this game for being toxic to that guy, If he also gets a permanent ban. He'll ruin more and more games for others and I just dont think thats fair to other people. I'm willing to take a bullet for this one if you think that's right, but an IP ban for him would make my life so much happier when I know people can enjoy the game without being disturbed by people similar to him. Thanks in advance, appreciate you taking time to deal with this matter. Nikola

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