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Three players insta-leave. You won't believe what happens next.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 5:24 am
by EdgeOfChaos

So we just played a game where one player (Sniper) immediately dropped. Two more players leave right after, making the game a 2 against 5. Of course I am on the 2 side... Things don't look great. My teammate gets extremely discouraged by the uneven odds:

(03:55 / Allied) -';..;'-: LESH
(04:03 / Allied) -';..;'-: STOP DEFENDING, OR THEY WONT DRAW
(04:09 / Allied) -';..;'-: YOU FUCKING RETARD
(04:14 / Allied) -';..;'-: OK
(04:15 / Allied) -';..;'-: YOU PLAY
(04:19 / Allied) -';..;'-: I WILL STAY AFK

We attempt a draw. Several of the enemies vote to draw, but several also don't so it doesn't pass. One of the players, M0NEY, is particularly obnoxious about not drawing.

(13:30 / All) M0NEY: stuipd noob
(13:47 / All) M0NEY: that' why i don't do you favot
(13:59 / All) M0NEY: you are my fuckig enemy
(14:08 / All) M0NEY: no way to mercy to you faggot

After some quick and unexpected (to them) kills on the enemy, he begins playing and I share my plan.

(10:58 / Allied) Something-New:): If we hold out
(10:59 / Allied) Something-New:): They may all ccrash
(11:01 / Allied) Something-New:): From 1.30 :)

(15:18 / Allied) Something-New:): anyways you may laugh at me but I have won worse games
(16:10 / Allied) Something-New:): Just need to discourage them enough
(16:14 / Allied) Something-New:): That they either draw
(16:15 / Allied) Something-New:): or leave

We continue sweeping up enemy heroes and sure enough. Goodbye Slark, he goes from 1.30 crash or plug pull. After this we continue easily plowing through heroes, taking out all the rax in less than 10 minutes after the drop. Game is over, having taken 21 ELO in a 2v5. But not before we get some quality trash-talk in.

(32:45 / All) -';..;'-: WE GAVE YOU ALL THE CHANCES
(33:10 / All) Something-New:): gg assholes
(33:36 / All) Something-New:): Aren't you sad you didn't draw?
(33:38 / All) -';..;'-: CONGRATS
(33:42 / All) Something-New:): Anything to say Storm?
(33:44 / All) -';..;'-: FOR LOSING 5VS2
(33:51 / All) -';..;'-: TY FOR PLAYING
(33:54 / All) -';..;'-: AND FOR ELOP

(33:56 / All) M0NEY: i will do it agian if next time happen
Seems he learned today.

Re: Three players insta-leave. You won't believe what happens next.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 12:13 pm
by kunkka

9/2 with 1.2 kdr lul. People who stack and talk shit need lessonS, 1 isn't enough