dreaymcat 4/13 ragequit pp causes us to lose. ez ban

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dreaymcat 4/13 ragequit pp causes us to lose. ez ban

Postby Hooch » Wed Apr 03, 2024 6:02 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/dota/game/12207281/
Game Name: dota
Your Warcraft III Username: hoggoblin
Violator's Warcraft III Username: dreamycatiknow
Violated Rule(s): ragequit after megafeeding all game when we had a very good chance of winning
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): (38:26 / QUIT) dreamycatiknow
Any further thoughts:
Mogu was alaso a ruiner this game, reason why we lost other than rage quiter, hes back to throwing tantrums and afking. i didnt time stamp him alot but be on look out.
(02:13 / Allied) BEREASONABLE: my godness you guy are all pick weak hero
(02:24 / Allied) InfernalX: mogu dont type this game...stfu and play
(24:30 / Allied) HogGoblin: mogu wtf u doing
(24:41 / Allied) HogGoblin: afk all game
(24:43 / Allied) HogGoblin: and 0 5
(24:47 / Allied) BEREASONABLE: you got any problem?
(25:21 / Allied) BEREASONABLE: fuck just realize who you are trash
(25:32 / Allied) BEREASONABLE: should leave
(25:41 / Allied) HogGoblin: go for it
(25:54 / Allied) BEREASONABLE: !ff
(25:59 / Allied) HogGoblin: !timestamp (purposely goes bot and dont help in team fight cause hes in tantrum mode
(26:17 / Allied) BEREASONABLE: you should get ban
(26:20 / Allied) HogGoblin: !timestamp ( another tantrum afk )
26:34 / Allied) BEREASONABLE: pick weak carry but never did ( i go 31/8 basically giving us game but his tantums and refusal to cooperate lose us game)
(26:40 / Allied) BEREASONABLE: ruinner
(26:43 / Allied) BEREASONABLE: !ignore hog
(27:27 / Allied) InfernalX: not the game to throw tantrums mogu
(27:34 / All) BEREASONABLE: !ignore infer
(27:39 / Allied) InfernalX: shitty noob
(27:39 / Allied) HogGoblin: ..
(27:44 / Allied) HogGoblin: every game
(27:49 / Allied) HogGoblin: same thing
then proceeds to spend rest of the game well he ignores team in a 4 vs 5 doing his own thing.

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Re: dreaymcat 4/13 ragequit pp causes us to lose. ez ban

Postby Astros » Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:28 pm

Don't think that caused you to lose. Either way, pink doesn't have a history of leaving or disconnecting himself so it was likely a legitimate disconnect.
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