hexar ban pls, tossing/teamkilling

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hexar ban pls, tossing/teamkilling

Postby MR_Nimbuss » Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:04 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 238509.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #78
Violator's Warcraft III Username: hexar
Violated Rule(s): intentional team kill tossing me
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
11:36 / Allied) teamallstars: warded
(12:13 / Allied) teamallstars: !Timestamp
(12:15) Vegeto- killed goatseus
(12:22 / Allied) teamallstars: kk hexar
(12:23) hexar killed Nodder
(12:25 / Allied) hexar: lag
(12:26 / Allied) hexar: wtf
(12:27 / Allied) teamallstars: im reporting you
(12:29 / Allied) teamallstars: nawww
(12:32 / Allied) teamallstars: im done with you
(12:51 / Allied) teamallstars: im messaging mike right now.. you did that in that one game
(12:54 / Allied) teamallstars: you kept tossing us
(12:58 / Allied) hexar: sry
(12:58 / Allied) hexar: wtf
(12:59 / Allied) hexar: i lag
(13:01 / Allied) teamallstars: and said "i was lagging so i coudln't read"
(13:03 / Allied) teamallstars: naww fuck you
(13:04 / Allied) hexar: tried to toss anything
(13:09 / Allied) teamallstars: youre a dumbass liar
(13:12 / Allied) teamallstars: i saw you
(13:14 / Allied) hexar: dude
(13:16 / Allied) teamallstars: literally ran up to me
(13:17 / Allied) teamallstars: to toss me
(13:19 / Allied) teamallstars: naww
(13:19 / Allied) hexar: no
(13:21 / Allied) hexar: sry
(13:22 / Allied) hexar: man
(13:23 / Allied) teamallstars: im done with you
(13:30 / Allied) teamallstars: !timestamp 8 mins tiny toss
(14:02 / Allied) teamallstars: get 2 day ban
(14:04 / Allied) teamallstars: say sorry
(14:06 / Allied) teamallstars: and now do it again
(14:07 / Allied) hexar: sry

Any further thoughts:
Look at screen shot 1 where i was at.. DIRGE got his tomb active during that time(little zombies next to me) and tiny coming from top mid lane, I ran to that spot by the small forest by t1 tower, He came up to me and threw me back and thats where i got killed trying to escape..

Not his first time and he knows exactly what hes doing.. Watch replay and tell me different! HE was no where lagging the whole time.. He literally told me in the lobby after the game "I won't pick tiny anymore if thats fair?" ..
Please review it because it really is tiring dealing with these type of behaviors. Can't even have a fun game anymore and every 1 out of 10 games you get bunch of hexars.
@iambackk and @mikejones
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Re: hexar ban pls, tossing/teamkilling

Postby Astros » Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:10 am

Don't see how he's going to get banned for this.

Even if it was intentional, you kinda walked right back into the fight so he probably tossed you into undying thinking you wanted to kill him.

It was a loss anyways so not like him tossing or not tossing you would have really been construed as game-ruining.

Also, he probably felt some type of way by the stuff you were calling him lol

Once he kicked LB and you guys didn't have a carry, it was over
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Re: hexar ban pls, tossing/teamkilling

Postby MR_Nimbuss » Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:24 pm

True probably because I just have 0 patience with that guy. The other thing is he admitted to doing so and said "atleast i didn't do it twice" while we were in the lobby afterwards.

He didn't toss me back thinking i wanted to kill undying lol, He tossed me because he wanted me to die lol and yes our chances of coming back is slim but either or you never know with leavers gold anything can happen. Always a possibility to win in EM but him kicking LB was just a stupid move knowing its late and the chances of draw will probably never happen. Overall Ban or Not lets stop treating him like he doesn't have a clue what hes doing, when he really does.

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Re: hexar ban pls, tossing/teamkilling

Postby MIKEJONES » Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:58 am

I agree the game was pretty much over when bluebag got kicked with no carry heroes and unfortunate with senti not willing to draw at min 5.

@hexar - You are getting a warning ban for tossing another player within the past week. Last week you tossed me in game and gave me the same excuse of lag and said it prevented you from reading my msgs in game (viewtopic.php?f=25&t=148255). I will not be so lenient next time and will remind you this in game when I see you.

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Re: hexar ban pls, tossing/teamkilling

Postby iambackk » Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:43 pm

This appeal is a joke, i don't see any ruin or attempt to ruin here, okey hexar is not a good player we agree with this but he tryed and also 2 sec before he stun them to helps you.
Then, he toss pudge into a solo ud, sky could helps and you had time to run back but you chased ud and omni+mort came so you die here...
It's not your fault, if omni + mort didn't came, you could kill ud and you would never make this appeal.


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