LIHL Etiquette (Updated May 30, 2013)

Moderator: LIHL Staff

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LIHL Etiquette (Updated May 30, 2013)

Postby iightfyre » Thu May 09, 2013 8:49 am

Welcome to ENT's LIHL! We have developed this league to provide the best possible gaming experience for our LTD players.

As this league is vouch based and thrives on fair and honest game play we ask that you adhere to the etiquette described below:

  • We are not newbs here; therefore we do not use the Mercenary race under any circumstances.
  • We are working on making our bots automatically choose -hpgmcb and builder as prophet. Until we can do this, we ask that the primary game mode be chosen as -hpgmcb with builder as prophet. (If you intend on choosing a different mode, please make sure that it is approved by the players in the game prior to starting.)
  • We like to have fair games. If someone DC's from the game, it is customary to !draw the game as quickly as possible (prior to lvl 20) so that we can start a new one and enjoy more fair game play. *EDIT (However, it is not viewed as customary to !draw a game after lvl 20, even with a DC)
  • We like to play complete games. If you are prone to disconnecting, please check out the following link: viewtopic.php?f=72&t=7991

In our continued commitment to provide the best gaming experience, we not only encourage fair game play, but there can be consequences for unfair play. Here are some of the violations that will result in being removed from the league:

  • Edit; Preventing king from attacking also known as juggling king will result in being removed.
  • Edit; NO DODGING after the teams have been rolled. Once the bot has assigned teams, players are required to play the game. Please ensure that you have adequate time to play a full game after you !sign up for one.
  • Switching to merc
  • Refusing to !draw the game when you are the only player who has not voted
  • Excessive flaming, TKing, MHing, rage quitting, etc. All of ENT's LTD rules still apply in this league
(Please note that ENT Mods and Admins reserve the right to remove anyone from the LIHL who are seen as a threat to the integrity of the game and we operate on a no tolerance policy; players may be removed without warning)

Added: 5/13/2012
  • Any use of PM, All chat or voice software (i.e. skype, ventrilo, teamspeak, telephone) by observers to give any player information that can help him/her will result in immediate unvouching and possible ban
  • Anyone caught "ghosting" (i.e. - utilizing a player as a maphack) will result in immediate unvouching and possible ban

Remember, we are a skilled and mature group of players who have all joined our league with the expectation of honest, fair and fun games. Please help us keep this community clean! If you do witness any behavior that is threatening to our leagues integrity, please feel free to post on the forums or ask a Moderator for help.

Thanks for keeping it fun! We look forward to enjoying a fantastic gaming experience with you!

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Re: LIHL Etiquette (Updated May 30, 2013)

Postby iightfyre » Thu May 30, 2013 4:48 pm


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