Vouch request-Dimitrakis_2001

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Vouch request-Dimitrakis_2001

Postby Dimitrakis_2001 » Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:39 am

Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have: I haven't had any.I play only at 1200+
Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: Dimitrakis_2001
If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with: I only know some players because they are "famous" ltd players.Other than that i got no connections in LIHL.If someone recognises from 1200+ plz feel free to support or vote against.
Do you have Gproxy installed? No i don't.It is extremely rare for me to lag or even d/c.
Attach at least two LTD Mega 3.41 1200+ game replays (one as yolo, other as a holder) that represent your skill (do not provide replays where you go cross-build, double-build or aura swap as these tactics are not allowed in LIHL): I should inform you that i play from an internet cafe.This means that program files are locked here for security purposes.As a result i cant save replays so i found and gathered some links for you.Hope its ok.
https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=8200949 ( sprite yolo/suicide)
https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=8198110 (Sprite + trying semi hold 10 to aid team)
https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=8197915 ( pandarens yolo)
https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=8196372 ( ygg. semi hold since immo)

Take a random wc3 screenshot, attach it, and private message it to recipient “LIHL Moderators” (LIHL Guide -> SS-Test): Iam not sure what exactly you mean here.But as i said in the last section i am having problems saving a file.If this causes a big problem in this application i am going to try find a solution.Please inform me.
[b]Any additional information that you would like to provide:
I would like to specify a few things:
1)i dont consider myself as very good player.I am just better than average. I still make mistakes in positioning or sometimes i cant calculate the exact value i need when got weird combination of towers.Guidance is always welcome when it comes in a nice way and not by imposing behaviours.I think this is normal and whoever doesn't accept this as a fact for himself,even to a small percentage, is illogical.
2) However i believe i have a more than satisfactory perception of the game.
3)I took the initiative and the risk to provide you some replays which may not be my best games.This is for you to decide.However i think it would be of no use if i posted a replay with ea/aqua etc...since "imba" rolls dont show they variety and the range of someone's skill or ability to improvise.
Thank you in advance no matter the outcome of this application.Feel free to comment thoroughly and point out my weaknesses.Please be as sincere and as direct as you can get.

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Re: Vouch request-Dimitrakis_2001

Postby Tom_hardy » Thu Aug 18, 2016 9:53 pm

Since there is not feedback for u yet, here are my 2 cents:

I checked ur Sprite Semi 10 replay:
Lvl 1: 3 Sprite is fine, one important thing u dont send a militia ergo u cant make a whisp since u wanna get 4 sprite for 2. This makes me think that u dont know which lvl gives how much gold which would be a very bad thing. Also u said "They kill very fast so lets 3" which u usually do against slow kill since that can punish holders. At this point i was close to stopping, not the best start ;)
Lvl 2-4 ware fine, u calculated King gold and did extra whisp.
Lvl 5 ist kinda iffy. U expect a send and decided to build instead of pushing. Since your teammates are also kinda weak, u could expect a long lvl which normally makes a push the right decision, especially if u cant kill a lot even with build. But that is still a matter of preference. But pay some attention to your placement. u almost use the whole lane, which makes it easy for the creeps to not clumb up and get something to attack.
Lvl 7: King control was ok, but please kill that lonely wyv.
U Decide to not go 7/4 on 6 and instead get an lod for 8, becauase u wanna help 10. since Enemy team full send on 5 and 7 and suck hard 10 themselves u can be sure they wont send big, your overbuild is not needed here. Especially since u already have an archer holder, but no big deal in my opinion.
What is a big deal is ur placement though. Lod is a tank, and should definitly be placed in front of sprites and not behind.
Also u tell your teammate to not delay king killing, since u are not that strong 10. That is simply not true and even more fatal since other team is very bad. They had 2 time mortar, prisoner and blaster. Ur team had ur ob, archer, wolv and bear with a lot of melia. So time is clearly on your side.
For lvl 10 your get some Melia and upgrade to Hades. Hades definitly right play. melia debatable since its kind of dead value after 10 and u could have made an lod and your teammates were strong 10 anyway. But again not a big deal.
Your Team leaks huge to king, but it was incredibly unlucky, i am still right about this :D
Post 10 is also a big problem. Enemy team has double engi.
So you have 2 options, u either call out a leaker early, pre 10 would be best and push for kill.
Or u stay low and try to hold 17. Both would have been fine. You did no leaks and desperate send 16 with push. After failing to leak just survive 17 was the call. You cant kill against values that big with that send. You had big values, good anti 17 and no leaks meaning the send would be small.
Not sure i can say its your fault since calls are a team decision, but at least suggesting it would have been beneficial.

At this point i can not support you. Sure you can say it might have been a bad game, but there were several things which made it clear that
there is some very general stuff about the game which you need to learn before playing in lihl. Builds and placement can be fixed easy, but there is some work to do. More importantly try to get a better understanding of the situation your team is in and to act accordingly.

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Re: Vouch request-Dimitrakis_2001

Postby Dimitrakis_2001 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:17 am

Firstly, thanks for replying.
Secondly, i believe that what u said is 100% logical and correct.
Thirdly, i would like to point out that this was indeed a game with mistakes and it does not depict at all my gameplay or skill.However i chose it intentionally to get a better understanding (by feedback like yours) of how players should react to a "bad" game.Just for the positioning i want to say that i made a choice.I thought that i should use sprites as a meat shield since i had no strong units to backup hades.It looks like a fail and u are probably right.As i said i decided to go for it and improvise.
I will take into consideration all the hints u pointed out.Thanks again.


Re: Vouch request-Dimitrakis_2001

Postby MarshMallows » Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:57 pm

Played with him the other day, skill level wasn't quite there but he seemed very friendly and was easy to play with, seemed to want to improve his game, maybe if he observes some replays he will be ready to play lihl soon!

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Re: Vouch request-Dimitrakis_2001

Postby FadingSuns » Sat Aug 20, 2016 7:46 pm

Played a gam with him and his attitude was nice so far. I would gie him a try. Agree with Marsh that he might wanna obvs some games.

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Re: Vouch request-Dimitrakis_2001

Postby Diablo_ » Sun Aug 21, 2016 11:57 am

Hello @Dimitrakis_2001 and thanks for applying.

First a few notes. Linking to your replays instead of attaching them is totally fine and at least for me even the preferred way :)
Information about the screenshot test procedure can be found here: http://wiki.entgaming.net/index.php?tit ... _Procedure
I assume you can still follow it when playing at your internet cafe.

Now about the replays.

Sprite yolo:
You place 7 sprites in one diagonal line which isn't really optimal. I guess you want to get the best damage split between your towers but in return it also results in a worse focus from your towers as every sprite basically attacks its own targets instead of "working together :P ". Maybe it isn't much worse for level 5 but for level 6 and 9 it definitely is because your sprites offer a much bigger area of being attacked.
During level 8 you push one more time, staying 780 value for level 9. You could build for 9 instead and kill much more and just push a little later, you could do well with your sprites and witch doc there instead of leaking half the lane. All in all an average game.

Sprite semi:
Should definitely send the militia for level 2 if you don't have a good reason not to. Same suboptimal sprite positioning as in the other game. As Tom said you should place the LoD infront of the sprites, that's quite a big mistake.

Nice replay. Only thing I would like to mention is your LoD placement again. Building it 2 rows behind pandaren isn't too good, I would do it either infront or at least right behind them. Also not sure if you rerolled or not in this game, if you did you should add a second captain before doing it, if you did not you could otimise your build a bit more by just adding a polar bear for level 5 instead of a third pandaren and make 1 more wisp and still be about equally strong for 5 and 6. Granted you didn't reroll I would have played different than you did though and start with a lod and add captain/polar/magnataur/pandaren depending on how the game goes. But still a nice game regardless.

Too big leak on level 6, shoulda add another mort or something. Not sure what else you had but I doubt it was good to sit on 250 gold after level 9 and neither building nor pushing.

It's a rather close call so I watched another replay.

http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 232134.w3g
It's good that you notice you have "1000 ways" to play this roll. You start with nm+acco and add a tot for level 2, good so far. But adding a second tot for level 4 wasn't ideal, a phantom would have been a good addition here. Later you build your phantom too far back (I think it was 4 rows behind your melees) and overbuild too much for level 9.
Not too big mistakes but again quite some space for improvements.

You seem to be a talkactive and friendly team player but at this point you do a bit too many mistakes/suboptimal plays. As I said you are pretty close and I think observing some LIHL games or watching some replays would greatly help you and you could be ready in a few weeks.
Denied for now but I would be happy to see you reapply again.
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Re: Vouch request-Dimitrakis_2001

Postby Dimitrakis_2001 » Sun Aug 21, 2016 2:19 pm

Thanks for the hints.It seems u really did observed my replays well.I was hoping u would to give me as much advice as possible.Concerning the placement of hades i just thought that my "dead value units" can be used as a meat shield for my better ones.Mb it was wrong, i understand that.No matter i am sure whatever u said will be usefull for me and i also believe i am going to improve fast.Thanks again.W8 my return then ^^
Greetings from the unbearably hot greece :).

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