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Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:42 pm
by Psyclone
If i remember right, dweller was talking about uncommented supports. I unspport cause ghery does simply not fit into lihl. Neither skill nor attitude wise. I don't want to start a flame war by going into details.

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:42 pm
by Tom_hardy
Ghery is a legend. No further explanation needed.

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:08 pm
by Kirim
SLSGuennter wrote:Guys, ALL of you guys posting here and in the other appliaction.
In both cases (you support or dont support), GIVE SOME REASONS. There is like zero value on your posts besides creating hate (in case youd dont support).
If i remember correctly, one of the LIHL-mods even wrote, that this !support-writings are useless/not taken into consideration or smth like this, if there is no reason or anything.

Its kinda only spam.

I said Ghery is the worst possible team mate that there could ever be. This is what I meant to say and it is the truth. I have never played with someone who has played so many games and yet TKs every build (even archer aqua) almost every game while also being an impossible team mate to play with. I am not trying to be rude and I am being serious when I say this, I have to assume Ghery lacks the mental capacity to ever learn to play this game properly. He is without a doubt the worst thing I have found about LTD.

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:14 pm
by Anda
I have to disagree with people here, also i might get a lot of flame for it. When i started on 1200 bot ghery was all the things you suggested, rude, neither listening nor communicating and super shitty gameplay even i could tell at that time he was legendary tker though i was super noob. I used to dodge him 24/7 and instant ignore i guess like udking. He was an absolute nogo for me in a lobby.
However i know its hard to believe, but he has changed a lot in attitude recently. Ive grown quite fund of him and do not dodge him in 1200 games anymore. he started to talk tactics, discuss strategies and listen advices, also some friendly chats and nice time altogether. I am new here myself and am not good to judge the skilllevel ofc, but for 1200 he is totally acceptable nowadays imo, may that be that 1200 skilllevel in average dropped or not i cant tell. I am winning most games with him which i never used to do a year ago and he is not always the weakest link of the team. Pls give him a fair chance, look at some replays , play some random 1200 with him maybe and check him out. I dont say he is rdy for a trial, but i certainly find it unfair to not even give him a chance for it based on behaviour and skill from a long time ago . Donbola got a new shot aswell and he used to be super rude on 1200 bot aswell and now i have 0 problems with him at all and quite enjoy playing with him.Pls give him a fair chance.Its imo not nice to instantly kick someone from observer when he says hed like to watch to apply for lihl and learn. Ofc you can say i dont want someone to obs you have a right to deny observers but whats the harm ? the worst thing that could happen is that he can learn something from observing even if it is babysteps. Peace and Gl Ghery

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:22 pm
by Kirim
All of the decent people from 1200+ came here, 1200+ is at a terrible skill level now in general.

I played with him recently enough (a couple of weeks) and there was no difference in his attitude or play.

This is a joke to be honest, he is simply not good enough and is a nightmare to play with, it's that simple, no one needs to be a white knight for him, if he was close to good enough then fine you can give him a trial or if it was evident that he could learn fast then fine, but he has played multiple thousands of games and cannot even build archer consistently yet, cannot read the game, doesn't know when to push or hold, is really stubborn with his team mates and will not do what is the best for his team. I have no problem with Ghery spectating if he is serious about getting better, but everything I have ever seen from him has been a joke so far.

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:27 pm
by Anda
i dont wannabe a white knight for him, i just state my recent experience. Maybe he is just that way with me, that can ofc be the case. But id lie if id say he is the worst guy you can get nowadays on 1200 :) and i figured id have to say that even if it seems there is no shot for him here at all.

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:56 pm
by ghery
@Kirim ,

Can I have the rply of that recent play whit me ? PLz ?

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:57 pm
by Kirim
ghery wrote:@Kirim ,

Can I have the rply of that recent play whit me ? PLz ?

Sure, go look through the replay list, it is here on ent

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:23 pm
by TinSoldier
Like snowblind has said, gherys game and attitude has improved vastly since I've known him. Recently he has been asking for advise and communicating with the team (I even asked ghery recently if he was the same guy because i didnt even know he could speak English before). like I said on the 4gwang post, watch his replays and check his tower knowledge because it seems most ppl on this thread prefer to hold old grudges and keep LIHL as a little meangirls club, like people forced me to kick him from obs a few weeks ago simply out of spite... Its sad really considering the highly mediocre level of talent that we've vouched in the last 2 seasons. GL ghery

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:26 pm
by Kirim
Right, I am done with this thread, vouch Ghery, he is pro. Stop kicking people from spec yourself before you badmouth whoever did it to ghery maybe?

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:31 pm
by TinSoldier
lmao marsh i can post screen shots of what you said to me if you like... me kicking your unstable ass from obs vs people kicking someone interested in joining LIHL are two very different things.

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:50 pm
by ghery

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 11:48 pm
by Nore
Locking this until we handle the vouch request. Thanks for the input everyone, we will consider it when making our decision.

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 1:18 pm
by Diablo_
Hello @ghery

In what country are you currently?
Does anyone else play with your account?

Re: ghery apply

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 1:34 pm
by ghery
Hello @Diablo_

Romania , I think only I play .
I know I have Austrian flag ^^ I put it on technical .... arty say np ...