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Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:22 am
by CarlosMontana
Hey. Just wanted to join this league cuz ppl in pubs are just very annoying and its no fun to play with them. Also u can see on chalot they getting on my nerves just too much.
I played a game with archol and he said i was doing pretty good.

Re: CarlosMontana@useast

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:40 pm
by CarlosMontana
New replay with noob team with huge plastic, from tackin ELO. Ofc we had to lose vs crossers because i cant hold 4 lines of leak 17

Re: CarlosMontana@useast

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:23 pm
by Diablo_
Heyo @carlosmontana and thanks for applying.
Let's have a look at your replays!

hades: Decent game, but you could/should have gone yolo since your team was strong for level 7. And you didn't hold 17 omg! :P

solo: Again good towers and team for yolo. But still an ok game.

noobteam: Should have pushed much more after level 7 + bad build for level 10. You should have either rred after level 7 or kept your roll till 17 (or close to it). Also goliath is far better than steamroller and assault tank is pretty crap. Golis + some phantoms and you eat 17 (vs average pub sends).

winwith: No comment.

All in all it looks pretty fine. However, it seems that you don't know the yolo playstyle (going 7/2 to 7/4 before level 7, resulting in big sends and huge income). If you do know it, post some replays where you do it, if not then watch some LIHL games, get used to it and post replays:

I'm also concerned about your attitude and I hope you will work on it.

Do you have any other accounts?

Re: CarlosMontana@useast

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:34 am
by Krumme
@CarlosMontana - as diablo_ commented on your replays I wont talk of those

Your general playstyle is rookie alike and you tend to build bad towers - what you need to do is sit down and watch LIHL replays or figure out yourself in public games which towers do good vs what lvls so you don't go ahead and mass bad towers and consider what towers work good with other - need a mix of melee/tanks and ranged/dps
Also lvl 1-3 is key lvls for any good strat - having a strong start can really kickstart a good game
Also you need to make up your mind early if you want to go income (6/2 minimum pre 7) or you want to hold lvl 7/8 for the team (in rare cases it's ok to do a mix if you want to hold 10 for the team etc.)
but I suggest watching LIHL games and just work from there

also as Diablo_ stated - your attitude doesn't help you - try being more gentle and if someone annoys you try and focus on other things as focusing on what the person did to annoy you WONT help the situation

it sounds to me as you like to play and improve so we can probably hook up for more games soon and we can work on your general skill lvl

Denied - you can reapply in minimum 2 weeks time :)

EDIT: btw. work on your ELO - if you can't atleast reach 1250 ELO (and gladly higher) I doubt you will thrive in LIHL