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Postby prophetlucifer5 » Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:22 am

1. Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as:

Pocpung@useast , prophetlucifer5@useast

2. Please provide some replays of LTD Mega 3.41 games so that vouchers can better assess your skill level. (Do not provide replays where you go merc, cross-build, double-build or aura swap as these tactics are not allowed in the LIHL):

yes i upload replays

3. If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with:

I played a lot at the +1100 and i know wolfwarrior , bbo.bbo , ltgs_sarapoba

4. Any additional information that you would like to provide:

I still have to improve my skills, but since i can manage my lane and know more then the basics, i think the place to learn and listen is lihl ;).
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Last edited by prophetlucifer5 on Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:01 am, edited 2 times in total.


Re: pocpung@useast

Postby MarshMallows » Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:14 pm

Strange I play loads of 1100+ and Ive never seen you, any other alias?


Re: pocpung@useast

Postby MarshMallows » Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:00 am


I chose this one as you are playing with a friend in real life of mine.
Your team got nice rolls!

Interesting for 2 you get 2 infantry beside pyro, the way I play I usually get one inf and hold off on wisp until 20 seconds before 2 starts, then if they send I can cancel the wisp and can still get 2 pyro for 3 even with the disaster leak. It worked out well for you, you only leaked the send, but then it seems the only option is to over build, usually for 3 and 4 2 pyros would be the norm and you now have 2 pyro and an inf for 3, not to say this is that bad a thing really, you did save a lot of gold by getting the 2nd infantry for 2.

Its clear you got some noobs on your team but still dont tell OJ to get only turrets when he has egg sakcs, sure only turrets is also fine and I know you were talking about the stupid cyborg he got, but still... tell him to get an egg to tank instead of the cyborg or something, egg sacks and turrets are pretty pro together, say youre holder on 5, you can get 1/2 eggs and ob turrets behind and get an absolutely giant feed.

Okay ur team mates are pretty bad, but try not to flame them so much.

Shouldn't really be leaking 9 with pyro's imo, especially since you need value to damage bosses with your zeus on 10.

I like your build for 10 though, the front inf on wall was a good idea to draw units into a smaller channel on the wall.

It's good you used the battle win for value. I sometimes see people on my team with 1400 value using battle gold for lumber which is really annoying.

I dont like the spamming of medmen really, just a personal thing, I don't know how others feel about it, but I find it can cause some rotten flanking, I will get one on the right in my line and maybe one in the middle spot but never one out in no mans land alone. also hades are a tank not a back line unit, get them in front.

I understand you just maxing value but try not to get empty value like turrets at this stage of the game, it is okay if you have no mass killers and they will become useful for 20 at least, but you do have zeus so getting turrets at this stage is a mistake imo.

Your calling seemed to be pretty good but tbh I am terrible with tactics as others here will tell you so what do I know? all in all pretty good so far, from this replay I think you could learn how to play in lihl pretty fast.

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