Supreme unvouch

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Re: Supreme unvouch

Postby TinSoldier » Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:27 pm

I want to start with saying that as a person and player i respect Tom a lot even though my words in game may suggest otherwise :D Also it saddens me to hear you describe my opinion on this guy as some kind of witch hunt.


my first unvouch request against supreme, March 2017


my second unvouch request against supreme, September 2017


this was a replay posted by guennter on one of my reports


and this one is by hazza


this one is from 2015, but once again from TheGreatDane/Lord_Pistov, both good players who are no longer active here

So out of the 6 reports {including this one} two of them have been from me and they were 7 months apart. So i find it a bit hurtful and disingenuous that you would suggest i am leading some kind of witch hunt against supreme, and if you feel any doubt i hope the other reporters will step forward and see if i prompted them to make these reports on him.

Secondly, @fading_suns i understand being mod can be a hard job with low reward, but really, to say my opinion is of low merit because i have reported him before? just lol. You can check my report history if you want and the only other player i ever reported for TK was ARTMAS when i was new in the league. Now Artmas is a good friend of mine because i respect him as a person even if he is not the best player or make the best calls all the time. Even yourself ace, I did not like you at all when i knew you on 1200 nor when you were first vouched into lihl, now although we may not be friends i can respect you as a person.

SO when you come here and say that my opinion is invalid, and that i am close to being perma-unvouched, all i have to say is suck my dick and go fuck yourself.

TL:DR ace suck my dick and go fuck yourself
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Re: Supreme unvouch

Postby Meshtar » Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:34 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Kiwi you have a lot to learn from Tin :D

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Re: Supreme unvouch

Postby FadingSuns » Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:07 pm

Reread ur first post here about supreme. On the momment u lose ur mind that way u also lose any reason u might have to report him.

For u and me, i would say its valid that u tell me "go get lost and fk urself", ofc i wont get personal offended and i can get ur point when u say that to me after my words to u. But thats not the same case with other ppl, he has expressed more than one time he rlly gets offended when u call him alcoholic or kurwa yet u keep doing it, even on ur reports towards him. So yes, for me u lose any reason on ur original purpose when u act like that, clearly drove by hate, even if ur reporting something that should be reviewed and maybe punished.

Comming back to the case, yes, u play with fire when u enter personally with someone that way, u get several warnings about it (my last warning was like 1 week ago, what i said? u would eat a hard ban next time no?) and u keep doing it. What u really expect me to do? let u freely camp on ur hate? or take actions after several warnings. Tin, its not me specifically who wanna ban u, we are 4 mods and lets say 50% or more thinks u deserve a ban for this (ill let them express their view, ill just tell you mine):

When u are disrespectfull with someone with some specific topic and ur repetitively told do not cross that line, but yet u keep crossing it, put urself on my shoes. What u do? Ur Tinsoldier, a live legend of lihl, quite skilled and respected. Should i be biased and let u do what its forgiven for rest?. in my case, theres something i dont tolerate, and thats jokes that include my (death) mom. If u do it 1 time ill tell u thats not welcome, second ill report u, and third ill say something like "if this continues with no action ill leave lihl, me or him". There are lines that cant be crossed, specially when ur warned specifically to not cross it again. Nothing personal between me and u, im just doing my job the best i can, but understand that in that terms, ur not more special than anyone here, and that behave cant and wont be tolerated. I think what i just said is fair and clear.

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Re: Supreme unvouch

Postby TinSoldier » Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:23 pm

I have never asked nor expected any special treatment in LIHL act. In fact in my case it is probably the opposite. I could call him supremefaggot or supremeretard or supremetk and he will find some reason to be offended or victimized by my words. I dont really care. If you wanna unvouch me for flame, once again I dont give a shit I got unvouched for it before 5 days. My issue is you gonna threaten me with perma unvouch for calling someone a bitch in polish, when some guy who has 6+ tk reports on them is living a free life? Its fucked up that you threaten me publicly with perma unvouch on THIS topic. Anyway this will be my last post here I hope we can move the discussion back to the actual topic

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Re: Supreme unvouch

Postby FadingSuns » Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:45 pm

Well i agree with you that we should close this discussion and let the discussion go to its original purpose when this topic was oppened. Just want to clarify something to you, i never threated you with a perma unvouch for THIS topic, the reference i made with perma unvouch is regarding the following:

When someone does something wrong for first time, lets say we give a "light" ban. Second time, he if repeats same action (specially if its within a short time) ban will be harder, third time harder again, etc. And there will be a point, when the cumulative repeated offenses will drive the player to get a perma unvouch. Not like u will get a perma unvouch next time u call him alcoholic or kurwa (IDC about u calling supremetker as i told u in past, but u called again on this topic alcoholic and kurwa, not tker or nab) instead of the 5 days u had last time u will get 10, next time gona be 20, next time maybe 1,5 months, and next time u might earn a perma.

Cumulative effects on repeated offenses. Thats all.

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Re: Supreme unvouch

Postby Tom_hardy » Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:46 pm

Ok i get that i can be misunderstood because of the analogy i used, but I never said this is a witchhunt. Its kind of a twist of my words. How could I, I surely didnt experience all the games you had together, nor anything else between you two apart from reported replays I didnt watch. I said you would be succesful at leading a witchhunt. Which means, you have a talent to sell ideas and opinions, just by stating yours, call it leadership if you wanna, but if you call somebody out, people are likely to follow. I never said you talked people into doing something. I even also said, I dont wanna disregard other opinions because of that. Still would explain some reports for me. I just stated that myself I did not experience enough that would warrant this unvouch for me.

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Re: Supreme unvouch

Postby Escaflowne » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:22 pm

Tom_hardy wrote:I said you would be succesful at leading a witchhunt. Which means, you have a talent to sell ideas and opinions, just by stating yours, call it leadership if you wanna, but if you call somebody out, people are likely to follow.

And this is why I call Tin our own lihl Trump.

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Re: Supreme unvouch

Postby HazarDous » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:32 pm

After a lot of deliberation we've agreed (3 - 1) that your skill isn't that of a LIHL player (note: You are not the only one who's below the standard). On top of that, we've agreed you lack attention in most of your games, leading to huge mistakes (like this report's failsend). Moreover, we've also discussed your attitude, and came to the conclusion that while you don't flame too much, you are often prone to stubbornness, refusal to listen and refusal to let things go [leading to endless discussions about stupid stuff]. While we do realize there might be worse players than you in terms of skills, we also agree that the reason you get reported more often than others is because you make sure others notice it when you do something wrong. I.e, by refusing to accept most advice, by doing a lot of inattention mistakes, by being stubborn, etc...

We have analyzed a lot of your games, 7-8 by myself a month ago, and 5 games by Mick very recently. In both cases, we've realized you play sub-optimally in >70% of your games, with >25%~ of these being hard team kill.

The agreement we've reached goes as follow; You will be unvouched for 2 weeks, both for lack of skill and inattention leading to failure to send (past history of inattention). On top of that, when your unvouch period expires, you will move back to being a trial vouch. That obviously means we will keep an eye on your every games, and make a decision at the end of your trial like we would do with a new trial vouch.
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