by considering having at least one more active player/mod to help the forum and the community.
Of course first of all its up to the current mods if they want another person to help them.
The work ifck and the other guys are doing here is great in my opinion but he has a lot to carry about (just like in dota

So as we discussed a little in this topic with mk4r32 Astros and Jazzy: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=148219&p=568394#
i ve decided to make it formal for all to see, discuss and say their opinions. Hope this is ok.
The first name to came along for me to suggest was no other than @mk4r32 cause he is the most active here, he also plays daily and knows everyone. The dodgers, the intentional ruiners, the mh'rs in the past, the new acc's, the haters etc and has the best knowledge on whats going on in games. Maybe, as he already said for himself, he is a little toxic to some players who consider as ruiners but when he looks at a request on Forum with a clear mind he doesnt think that way. After all when you are a mod you must be righteous.
The second one i would like to see coming back as player and moderator is @Astros. I know, there were some issues in the past with some people here but he, along with ifck could really do a nice work. And love to see them playing too. Both. And if Frank could come back too would be awesome.
I know some of you guys maybe for various reasons dont like him. Maybe he banned some of you in the past as a mod but its a nice opportunity to let the past behind us and restart ENT. As much as we can. Astros -not only him of course- can play a vital role in this in my opinion. I like that ifck gives 2nd chances when its about an appeal and i think Astros can do the same and give some instructions to someone to become slitghly better if he ruins (like the known people here i dont write their names tryin not to insult anyone). Not just a ban. Ofc when some doesnt care he will get his ban like always.
Some other players i was thniking of were @EdteOfChaos2 @Hunter91 @Mr_Nimbuss @Plsbanruiners @MIKEJONES forgive me if i forgot someone.
I m just dropping some names here i think they could help the forum as mods/players i would like to hear your proposals and suggestions too.
As i said, i know many will disagree, mainly cause of the past and thats ok but i think we have a chance to turn things better on ENT. We dont have the luxury to lose good-average-or bad players -at certain games- players. We are no more than 30-40 people left many with new acc's.
So, any active player/ mod would help a lot.
I hope the main moderators will have no problem with this thread.