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Re: RadiantCrystal@useast

Postby RadiantCrystal » Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:30 am

No worries, I am fully aware that the skill level of a player ultimately determines the outcome of the game so please feel free to share any advice you have on any of the replays and critics you may have and I will explain my mindset as to why build as such.
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Re: RadiantCrystal@useast

Postby MichaelSong » Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:05 pm

Downloaded rest replays which I didn't see. Will comment in 2~3 hours.

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Re: RadiantCrystal@useast

Postby MichaelSong » Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:32 pm

Finished watching replay 2,3,4.

Replay 2: Good.

It was somewhat different playstyle of Wolverines which LIHL players usually play.
But, I was had fun while watching replay.
You didn't leak rounds except 1,7,8.
Pushed jack well.
Cleared 10 without having difficulties, Although some lucky crits were involved.
Nothing big mistakes overall.
Your building style was somewhat ok with this one.

lvl 1: Please try to do 2/0 and 2 blood orcs + 2 un-upped than 3/0 with 2 blood orc. You were pretty lucky to clear many craps. You could have leaked more and could have suffered. Try to stay a bit ob or play safe unless they don't send pre 3.

Would not comment other levels because I didn't see any reason to commentate when you did pretty good job.

Replay 3: Not bad.

I could have said it was good, but I decided to change Not bad since your building style.
I think if someone ask me, what's radiant's main weakness, I would say building position without doubt.
I do like the fact that you build blasters behind and also try to maximize your effectiveness.
However, I do not like it very much always building hexagon position in case of oracles because you are betting on a luck and would be most likely giving up chance to hold more better unless you got oracles.

lvl 8: Placement of 2 captains wasn't that good to me.

Replay 4: I don't know.

You didn't see big mistakes here but seemed like a bit overbuilding with lord when your team has aqua. it was some awakward that you build until 7 and push after 7 without building anything. I saw the fact that you did well on lvl 8 and 7.
However, if I was playing it I might have gone to more income eariler and build later since that would make you more better outcome later.
Game was also ended at lvl 10, which wasn't enough long to look deeply, but didn't see any big mistakes as mentioned before.
( But, you don't seems like very outplayed tho. )

The main problem is wierd building style ( Usually always go hexagon building or symmetry building. ) And likely to overbuild.
I do want to see your good yoloing since replay 0 with aqua yolo wasn't seemed like pretty good.

I will check on more replays later on ASAP.
I cannot decide atm.
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Re: RadiantCrystal@useast

Postby RadiantCrystal » Mon Feb 09, 2015 6:49 pm

Thanks for the comments.
For replay 3 I put the 2 captains there to share dmg taken from blaster so they live longer and kill more and hold more mid because captain does really nothing to lv 8 creeps. yes I place in case of oracles but really I mean if it is not meant to be or something I can change it up really quickly. I just like to prepare for oracle in pub games that's all.
Replay 4 I overbuild a bit earlier cause I wanted to def lv 10 boss for my mates cause none of them have really strong lv 10 units and on lv 10 I def quite a lot so it did what I meant to do. And I agree if I pushed more earlier I would end up with more income and lumber but only def my own lane and can't def in mid. That game had the 2 options I know but I chose to play it a little safer.

As for building style, esp with auqa, the later replays with aqua has the same problem as they are from the same day or in some 10 hours but I can assure you I can build slanted, actually that's how I used to build aquas until I changed up only recently to try something new (W build). I thought it could be a good experiment as it does hold more but if most guys think it's not a good way to go around things then I can definitely changed it up not a problem.
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Re: RadiantCrystal@useast

Postby SooSooSquishy » Mon Feb 09, 2015 6:59 pm

Played with RC a few times super cool and feel like will make a quick impact in Lihl. Has my vote yes! I think he should get a trial run for sure!

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Re: RadiantCrystal@useast

Postby RadiantCrystal » Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:06 pm

Thanks bro for the support
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Re: RadiantCrystal@useast

Postby MichaelSong » Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:04 am

Watched Replay 5 and 6.

Replay 5: Okay.
Will comment several minor things

lvl 1: Try to find good placement of tier 1 with Elite Archers ince leaking hard at lvl 1 against warriors when you built tuskar(20 gold of tier1) isn't seemed like good to me.
(* I would recommend
tuskar Blank Blank I WALL
Blank Blank EA I WALL )
Slightly building tier 1 behind the EA with diagonal slope will give you hold easy.
The reason why you don't build behind the EA is you have to build EA in veritcal lane.

lvl 4:Try to hold 4 with staying tuskar+2EA, since you had 10inc and lvl 4 full bounty is 194. So, 194+inc, you could went to fast wisp which could let you get more 40~50 wood ( this is minor but can change effect, you can change furb to bo in lvl 7. )

lvl 7:4 Archers when you got immo seems a bit ob to me. Try to play extreme pushing and yoloing when you got archers or aquas because those units show great outcome by low value. I would have gone with 3EA+2 small archers and push 7/3 instead of 7/4. ( As you see, you went 5 EA at 8 and had enough gold to push 7/4 at lvl 8, you would had more bigger when you pushed 7/4 faster* )

lvl 11: Pushing 7/9 is too much in LIHL unless your team is willing to send 12. Keep that in mind when you're playing at LIHL. (It isn't big problem at 1100+)

lvl 12: try to build phantoms behind the archers behind the archers since they show more DPS than archers. Keep them alive more longer since archers' range is 600, phantoms range is 325? 350? anyway much shorter than them. Would have been shared dmg and stacked more together when built behind it.

lvl 13: Phantoms placement as I mentioned at lvl 12.

lvl 17~19: you built hades right in front of raisers, and see the result. Raisers place between the imp and diabloic+hades , it's kind of lane with semi tanking+dealer position. Since EA is pretty dead value after lvl 17++ try to place raisers 2 spaces behind the Hades so you can raisers and diabloic+Hades stack together and get dmg equally. ( Best is diabloic goes tank since he got less DPS but 1200 HP is kinda pretty huge.)

Replay 6: Aqua with W build. Won't comment more. Not really good.

Overall impression of your replays to me was you had some insight on LTD and you can improve very much more. ( I do think you're already enough to PWN public games but I doubt it when you enter on LIHL. )
And I strongly felt you like to overbuild a bit to play safter in games, but want to advice you to try to maximize income when you're playing yolo towers in LIHL.
Furthremore, try to observe some several games before you play on LIHL, and I would like to mention that you have to change your building style while playing LIHL. ( Oracles are not regarded as good until lvl 15, and when you don't have proof to rr them for sure, I personally do not recommend you to sustain that W build. )
Your attitude and replies were pretty nice to impress me, and I hope you will understand what I'm saying.

I will give you vouch under RadiantCrystal@Useast.
Hope you enjoy many games in LIHL and improve more at LIHL. ( I quitted to play public games when I entered LIHL. )

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