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Postby SLSGuennter » Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:49 pm

1. Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as:
2. Please provide some replays of LTD Mega 3.41 games so that vouchers can better assess your skill level. :
(1.8 MiB) Downloaded 27 times

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(2.33 MiB) Downloaded 25 times

prisoner 3v4.w3g
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(2.41 MiB) Downloaded 25 times

3. If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with:
played with some, but im not sure about they know me :D
4. Any additional information that you would like to provide:
Last edited by SLSGuennter on Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
Gunther and the Sunshine-Girls. Hell Yeah


Re: Guennter@europe

Postby MarshMallows » Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:43 am

Had a quick look at pyro there and have some ideas

For 4 the 2 pyros hold no problem so you can wisp earlier instead of getting the infantry.

I think 3 zeus is too many, especially when upped after 10.

You get an assault tank after 10 when you have phantoms, Phantoms are nice as they guarantee you clear your creeps on 17 and only [maybe] leak the demons etc... Also I just never get assault tanks cos I think they are pretty bad, I know they are siege but alot of the gold you pay for them goes into a clockwreck which is normal fort which sucks for 17 and that is the level you are building for you also get a hawk for 17 which isnt good for the level either.

Good incoming though, you seem understand yoloing well which is a large part of the game.

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Re: Guennter@europe

Postby Krumme » Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:06 am

blaster replay: hard to judge really - a rare case when someone with blasters goes income but as far as I can see you get really fat and uses that for income and value fine for the lvl up to 10 - after that you build some kinda weak towers that does not work well vs sends in lihl (death dragon and forsaken ones)

aqua replay: really solid replay - arguably you could go more value lvl 9 to not leak that much but in general a really solid replay

pyro: 3 pyro's for 5 is "ok" but 5/1 is not if you plan on yolo'ing - go 7/2 (+/-) instead and focus on not leaking/barely leaking lvl 6 as this will give you a much harder send on lvl 7 and your team will have more gold from your leaks lvl 5/6 to hold your leaks lvl 7
Also the infantry is not needed for lvl 4
then you go 7/5 for lvl 8 where as maxing value would have been much better as you leak pretty much the entire wave and again on lvl 9 you leak 17 units which will not gain you the value for lvl 15/17/20 which ultimately is the goal with pre 10 yolo

night: you only have 1 nightmare for lvl 1 and 2.... it's pretty random that you actually hold lvl 2 as you can end up leaking without anything but the nightmare (if furb lvl 2 or dino or probably also just a welp would have ruined your plans)
again on lvl 4 only 2 nightmares and you leak 1 unit which is best case scenario compared to the fact that you could have leaked alot more
going 7/5 for 7 is close to being absurd as you leak the entire wave on 8 ish and 15 leaks on 9 - big leaks on 12 aswell

prisoner: 3 prisoners for lvl 3 is very ballsy and again very risky with the 7/5 on lvl 7

To sum it up - you know how far you can go with your towers without send and without an intelligent opponent team but the trick is to know how far you can go when the other team knows your weakness
Personally I think you need to watch/observe some LIHL games to learn the strats, weaknesses of yolo and what to do for the team if you have to hold/yolo but if that should be done as a LIHL member or it should be done as observer I have a hard time deciding
@diablo_ will you do the final decision?

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Re: Guennter@europe

Postby eldryan » Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:44 am

you use anti-stuck a lot? as you only leaked a small amount with nightmares lvl 4... you will have to adjust to not abusing as.

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Re: Guennter@europe

Postby SLSGuennter » Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:08 pm

@krumme well. u are right in most of this points. seems like i have to grow a bit stronger, but about the just nightmare lvl 2 and such things ... i played pub, and pubs ARENT played by to much highskilled ones. there are sametacticts in minimum 95% of games, so i was sure i wont get destroyed 2 or something like that. im pretty sure, if i see strong enemy or playing in lihl, i wont take the risk like this.
same with going just 2 pyros in 5 and go 7/2 ... already did this once, and got kicked immediately by my team, cause they dont understand income-tactics most of the time :D
@eldryan why do u think i did antistuck? just lucky on focus/evade i think ...
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Re: Guennter@europe

Postby godlik3 » Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:56 am

2 pyro on 5 and hard incone before is ok!!!
Its like mortars....u go full income and dont build for 5...also 2 pyro holds 5 better than mortars.
So i dont think 2 pyro is bad...actually is very good!!

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Re: Guennter@europe

Postby Diablo_ » Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:42 pm

Hello @Guennter
Since when are you playing LTD (roughly)? Did you ever reset your stats or played on other accounts than those 3 you listed?

Also post a few more replays please.
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Re: Guennter@europe

Postby SLSGuennter » Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:51 pm

im playing since a long time, but with a huge gap. Now im back at wc3 since well, around a half year maybe. playing on this accounts mainly.
ill post some more replays. ok. just give me 2 days to get them, since im normaly not saving replays :D

and godlik3 ... yes, 2 pyro is ok, but most guys in pub-games dont get it, and thats why they kick me, if i do it ...
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Re: Guennter@europe

Postby Diablo_ » Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:05 pm

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Re: Guennter@europe

Postby SLSGuennter » Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:52 pm

didnt know i can download the pub-games aswell. thx!
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Re: Guennter@europe

Postby SLSGuennter » Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:12 am

im adding replays to the main vouch-post btw
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Re: Guennter@europe

Postby Diablo_ » Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:50 pm

I think it's ok to give you chance. Guennter@useast vouched, welcome! LIHL is on us east only, if you want to use a different account/name, pm me.

Congratulations on being accepted for trial into the Legion TD Mega In-house League! Fun opportunities and challenging higher quality games are awaiting just for you!
    Here are a few things you need to make sure you do: As a new member to the LIHL community, you will be placed on a trial status for approximately 3 weeks. As a trial member you will be given the same rights and privileges as any other member of the LIHL. However, as a trial member, your performance and attitude will be monitored closely by the Moderators. We understand that it may take some time to adjust to LIHL game plays, but we expect that you will learn and adjust quickly.
      Moderators reserve the right to revoke your vouch status at any time during your trial period without notice due to poor performance or attitude. If you do pass the trial period and become fully vouched, we expect you to maintain high levels of performance and a good attitude - an expectation for all of our members. There are extensive unvouch and ban protocols in place to ensure compliance.
        LIHL appreciates your interest and is delighted to welcome you. Happy Gaming! :)
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        Re: Guennter@europe

        Postby SLSGuennter » Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:51 pm

        big thanks for this!
        Gunther and the Sunshine-Girls. Hell Yeah

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