Left 4 hours to CF Tournament

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Left 4 hours to CF Tournament

Postby cyberpunk » Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:00 pm

LEFT 4 hours to CF Tournament!

The tournament starts today at 2pm edt. The bracket will be defined at 1:45 pm edt.
The captain must show up to the ENT web chat at 1:50 pm edt. it's important to communicate that each team has 5 minutes to join the game. If one player or both doesn't show up, the team gonna be disqualified.
[spoiler=How to host the game]Whisper the bot clan.enterprise !map (12)cas /w clan.enterprise !map (12)cas
The bot will reply you. From Clan.Enterprise: Loading map file [(12)CastleFightES1.22a.w3x].
After loading the map use the command !priv MatchX
When you join, do not forget to spoof check /w ent.hostingX sc
X is the number of bot which is random between 1 until 8
Wait for the players and then use the command !start force to start the game[/spoiler][spoiler=Rules]Teams will have 5 minutes to join the game, if the team doesn't show up within 5 minutes the opponent get a free win, Matchs will be scheduled after 3th november
Player banned is not able to play, if you are banned, make an appeal.
Only registered players can play. *Reserved slot must be registered to play*
Pausing and unpausing - pauses should only be used for emergencies. You should count down from 3 before pausing, and make sure everyone is ready and count down from 3 before resuming.
Only streams players can be observers.
If someone get discs, bal1 ftw.. the round must go on, if there's others rounds to be played, the game must be remake to get the lagger player.[/spoiler]

Match A
Start 2pm edt
Teams must join the game until 2:05pm edt

Match B
Start 2:07pm edt
Teams must join the game until 2:12pm edt

Match C
Start 2:14pm edt
Teams must join the game until 2:19pm edt

Match D
Start 2:21 edt
Teams must join the game until 2:26pm edt

If you need any help, you can contact admins cyberpunk, bit, matdas and art)y

GL everyone and HF! =)
[spoiler=Links to find ur ban]Link to banlist
Link to ENT Link[/spoiler]
I don't answer private messages that should be public questions. Use the forum

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