Item Name
Abyssal Blade Abyssal Blade
Aegis of the Immortal Aegis of the Immortal
Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter
Ancient Janggo of Endurance Ancient Janggo of Endurance
Ancient Tango of Essifation Ancient Tango of Essifation
Animal Courier Animal Courier
Arcane Boots Arcane Boots
Armlet of Mordiggian Armlet of Mordiggian
Assault Cuirass Assault Cuirass
Battle Fury Battle Fury
Belt of Giant Strength Belt of Giant Strength
Black King Bar Black King Bar
Blade Mail Blade Mail
Blade of Alacrity Blade of Alacrity
Blades of Attack Blades of Attack
Bloodstone Bloodstone
Boots of Elvenskin Boots of Elvenskin
Boots of Speed Boots of Speed
Boots of Travel Boots of Travel
Bottle Bottle